An hour dial that automatically changes from 1-12 to 13-24 1pm

So what I would like to do is design a 24-hour watch face that has two 12-hour dials.

One dial will be our markings one through 12.
The other dial will have hour markings 13 through 24.

So when the time is 1:00 p.m. It automatically switches to the next dial which represents the 24-hour military time. Without having to display dual time dials on one face. Which is typically what is done unless of course it’s a one hand 24-hour dial.

So I’m very new at using expressions and mostly I am learning from asking how to use expressions by asking how to write expressions and what some of the symbols or formulas do or mean.

But I need to start with an expression that works in order for me to look at it and try to understand how it’s put together.

So my question is if anybody knows how to write an expression that will allow a second face to appear and will make the first one disappear so that it’s a 24-hour military watch face but without dual dials on the same face period instead it has two separate watch faces that change according to the time to either be a am watch face or a PM watch face in military time.

So I realize I’ll have to make two watch faces and most likely a variable will be involved but as far as the expression for an automatic on off I’m not sure and had to do that. I know how to do manual face changes with the variables. So adding an automatic expression is probably what’s needed that would include a specific time that the next dial face would be visible.

I hope I’ve explained myself enough where you understand what I would like and of course I would appreciate any help in this area and if you could also maybe explain a little bit about how that automatic feature would work would be great if it’s even available.

Thank you in advance for any responses that are helping solve this expression question.

There’s a whole thread somewhere on here that was done about a year ago on this very thing with some creative approaches to this - I’m trying to find it. In the meantime, easiest way would be to have two dials and set the transparancy accordingly to each one.

For the 0-12 dial:

For the 12-23 dial:


Brad is right with two dial layers with formulas deciding whether it is past midnight or not, but I guess by “military time” you meant just the plain local time in 24h format, not the UTC time (universally coordinated time). So there should probably be #DH# instead #DUH#

P.S.: check this thread Hello world! (15 characters) - #29 by kourosh


Thanks, Looks easy enough. petruuccios is correct also, I meant a 24 clock in local time.

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That’s the thread I was looking for! Thanks @petruuccios !


Thanks for the help with the expressions I needed. I used these with “DH” instead of “DUH”.
For the 0-12 dial:

For the 12-23 dial:

1-12, 13-24 auto change watch face

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Looks good.


I have version 3 that adds a light blue theme for the p.m. watch face and it allows for a rotating bezel in one and five step increments. Thank you for your kind words

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Hello. I also want to use this automatic change, but I am struggling with how to do it so that the change takes place at one o’clock and not at twelve o’clock.

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So you want the clock face to change at 1:00 p.m. instead of 12:00 noon?

I believe if you look at the expression in a post I made above, where you see the 12 I believe you would put a 13 instead which would be 1:00 p.m. in 24 hour time.


yes, it will solve the afternoon time, but how to solve the night time so that it switches at one and not at midnight.

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You can use #Da# (AM/PM) as condition in the opacity field

Dial 1: AM

Dial 1: PM


I already have it, it was for the two that I threw in the display case.

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