Hello world! (15 characters)

@ben_smurf You are fortunate that Peter has Contributed here . His Tag Expressions are constructed in a self explanatory manner. This is to help others. The True Spirit of a Decent Community. Stick with Creator. I can assure you there are more complex platforms. Just play with the templates for now to familiarise yourself with how it works. You will be surprised in a few months time you will be amazed at what you are achieving.

I posted 4 short videos on YouTube that might help you starting off .


I can’t help but agree with you. That is an insane number of syncs, but some people have the right amount of talent, creativeness and luck to accomplish it. I’m not one of them, nor do I really wish to be one either. Right now, my very best performing watch face has 13,664 syncs after what Facer says is two years. In total since June of 2019 when I joined, I now have 318,902 total syncs on 1,980 watch faces. To me the total number of syncs is insane and so is the fact that I have so many watch faces that I’ve made. I just finished number 2,051 yesterday and it’s now waiting to be published. Let me revise that, it’s not insane for me to have so many faces, I’M the one who is insane. :laughing::joy::rofl:


Those are impressive numbers and a testament to your producitivity and quality. Well done! (Do you not have a life outside?)

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That all depends on who you ask. :rofl: I retired in 2018 and bought my first smart watch in early 2019. I have more free time on my hands than I know what to do with. I was a automotive service technician for 20 years then got a job with the high school I graduated from. Worked there for 21 years and really needed something for my technical side to do. That is when I became a licensed Amateur Ham Radio operator. So, the 40 hour work week that I’m no longer forced to participate in, I can devote to watch faces, ham radio or whatever else I fancy doing. Like one of the guys, I regularly watch on YouTube says, “Life is Good”. :grin:


Ah, to be retired :hearts: and still going strong :muscle: I am happy for you! I still have many years of office life to conquer before I can devote that much time to just enjoying myself.


I just realized that aside from the 2 Soviet 24 hour watched in my queue, I already have a “pseudo” 24-hour face that is almost done. It’s an oddball vintage watch where the hours are marked on a rotating disk underneath the dial that has 12 holes, and it transitions from AM to PM and back to AM, giving hour ranges of 1-12 or 13-24.


That is ridiculously clever, @kourosh :star_struck: I love the simplicity that comes from the toned down data in the middle, and the AOD is super nice!


Very nice lume. I was thinking of 12/24 switching analog face earlier, but would not guess someone did it mechanically :slight_smile:


Don’t forget to have #Db# in there somewhere . Of course you have seen this before .


I like to keep them minimal and uncluttered, like the original vintage layouts. But it seems nowadays some expect more functionality, so I add fading complications to make them more useful. Same with the AOD, I like it to look like the original glowing lume in the dark.

And they did it in the 1960’s! That’s one of the reasons I love recreating the artwork and mechanics of vintage/antique watches. Originally this sold for $50.95, now it’s upwards of $2900.

The original movement jumps instantly from one state to the other with a noticeable loud click, but I decided to have this face transition slowly in 1 second to make it visibly noticeable. What’s also interesting (yet weird and confusing) is that there are two completely different variations of the vintage mechanical movement: one that transitions at 12:00:00 while the other at 1:00:00.

How so?
(and I love those hands)


@kourosh It will not apply on that watch as the 12/24 is not user selectable . #Db# has to be somewhere in your Face to invoke the User Selectable on a Watch . Please do not ask me why . It is the only Tag that is recognised by the watch to switch the option on . I it can be on a Text Line and Hidden . Sorry to add confusion . That was more a bit of Banter directed at Peter.


That is actually not banter… it sounds like something important I didn’t know about and that I need to find out more about…

A while ago I was experimenting with digital time, wanting to have the leading hours digit be blank, and ended up using $#Db#>9?(floor(#Db#/10)):" "$(#Db#%10):#DmZ# which gave me exactly what I wanted, plus if I switch between 12 and 24 formats on the Facer phone app, the readout on the watch follows instantly and switches to/from 12/24 format.

Is this what you’re referring to in making use of #Db# even if I was not using #Db# in that particular formula?


Another side effect of using the #Db# tag is this.
On a published face the icon with the “1” is for digital, the icon with the 12/24 shows the end user that it supports both 12-hour and 24-hour time preferences.


Oh that’s good to know! Although the “1” icon can also end up being misleading!

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Yeah. The point is you do not use #Db# at all in making analogue Faces. So if you want the User to be able to select it as a preference between 12 or 24 dials it has to be in there somewhere and can be invisible.


And I just thought of another potential use for it on analog 24-hour watches: using the 12/24 hour setting on the phone app to switch between having noon at the top or at the bottom of the dial-- without having to use an interactive Pro feature.

Which in turn makes me want to have a collection of 24-hour dials now.
( can 1 watch be inside more than 1 collection?)


Jolly smart. I suppose you could completely flaut the rules and use the AOD mode to display a completely different face. Just think what you could do by abusing the Imperial Metric option.

And yes. I have the same Faces in different collections for various reasons. At the end of the day it is only a link. Collect away. I was thinking of using a collection as a folder to tidy up some of my Drafts. I have so many now that are just tests. Lots of stuff that is never going to be published.


I grew up with SI, it was a shock adjusting when I came to the US… and yet still, some 4 decades later, I still find myself occasionally dumbfounded staring at my trusty 15" Westcott steel ruler, live at a hand-made craft fair, in front of a customer who just bought a custom sized made-to-order necklace, and needing to quickly (yet carefully) cut 2 lengths of 7-13/16" gold chain :rofl:

Funny, just hours ago I was browsing unsplash.com, looking for an image to use as the banner for a collection I’m thinking of using to gather my “Experiments & Tests” faces into. They have an interesting assortment of electronics breadboard images.


OH, now THAT is a golden idea if I’ve ever heard one!!!


Sounds like an Idea for a Facer Community Challenge.

@kourosh Profound Apologies I could not help myself diving in with your Excellent Idea . For those Poor Noobie’s trying to get a handle on the Basics I Apologise as well .
I think Ben’s ( @ben_smurf ) Topic has been Hijacked .