Any way to mute comments? Tired of the noobs

So yeah would love it if I could just mute comments. The ONLY criticism I welcome is here from my fellow designers, and hopefully its mostly constructive. Gotta say though, I am getting tired of hearing about how people’s “steps dont work”, “my temperature is stuck on 13”, “battery doesnt update”, or how you’re so butt hurt because there is an AOD or isnt an AOD. I DO NOT CARE! It is shocking how some of these people behave over a FREE face. Unbelievable. I cant imagine what some of these creator partners must deal with when you actually sell faces.

Maybe I am out of line?


Fortunately for the Partners they do not sell as many Faces as the ones that are Free . I think thier Audiance is a bit more Savy . There is SLACK which need some Dusting off .There is always The Lounge of Course if you have been Invited to be a Member :::)))

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Yeah I have been invited to that lounge… Seems empty, hehe.

I’m kinda hall kidding and just venting. More curious than anything to see if others have experienced this too.

Also just commenting on the state of affairs we find ourselves in when some here just seem so absolutely incensed that their free watch face doesn’t do what they want it to do.


You would think with so many faces out there people would find something perfect very quickly . May be they are looking Forward to the Day when they are All the Same.


That day is sooner than later! :rofl:

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I guess we all hate those comments and complaints.
Here is one I received yesterday, for FREE watchface…
I cannot even understand WTF he’s talking about.



Lol…user error.


So @masterboyhr . Someone trying to Sell your Work on the Black Market . Great Face BTW.

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I get that also. I just tell them to restart their watch and if it doesn’t fix it contact @Facer_Official on their help page. I also keep it prewritten so I can copy & paste the answer with a minimum amount of effort. OR I just ignore them.


You’re too kind. I just ignore them… But a couple have gotten a response from me- not a helpful response though., :rofl:


The last time someone made a comment on one of my watches I made a glib comment back. That turned out to be the wrong thing to do. It was a crazy Aussie, and it started a war here in the community that spread to others besides me. I am now VERY CAREFUL about how I reply to comments on my watchfaces. And when in doubt, I just ignore it. I have no intentions of starting another S###show here ever again.


A war? I really should have come to Facer years ago. It seems like I have really missed a lot :sweat_smile:


Trust me, that was one fight you wouldn’t want to have been a part of. I’ll send you a PM in a moment.

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I think everyone gets newbie comments. I don’t mind helping people, but when they get nasty and blame the designer, it’s not fun. People tend to feel entitled these days, even when the product is free.


Yes, you will always encounter some annoying people, without respect for the effort we put in (free)faces. I do respect negative comment if it’s constructive and polite. I think, most products, services are upgraded by critics, people who want it to be better for the community, not only for them selves. I call that, extending perspective to think and handle, not only for oneself. A underrated human disease if you ask me.
Those critics I do welcome, if they are polite, perhaps use a little humour. Because I do not use pro, I do get those remarks, can I have blue, please. It would be welcome, if we free facemakers could have that feature where the customer can change the colour. I surely do not want to pay for that so they can have it in blue.


Guess what, every free watchface I make also has a Premium version and almost always has a color change option, and I still get those remarks on the free ones.


I’ve got the same girl, asking for different colours all the time and I feel like saying… Listen Hun, if I’d wanted it that colour, I’d had done it that colour!


I agree, many times the colour they ask for just doesn’t work for the watchface.
If I change it to that colour I’ll end up with an ugly watchface.


Look at the crap I get from time to time -
I’d love to be able to delete that, but I can’t even Flag it for some reason :thinking:


Wow, just WOW! Some people just don’t have any self-awareness for some reason.