Creator thumbnails not updated on draft clones

When you create a face, the thumbnail on the creator page seems to update as you edit.

If you duplicate a face however, the thumbnail seems suck at the point of duplication and is never updated to reflect the face as it actually appears. For example, the 2 left faces here are duplicates of the right hand one but are now different versions but all seem to share the same thumbnail. In fact, the live one has had the thumbnail updated as I applied fixed to issues noticed while working on the others, hence the day moving on.

Does anyone know if there is some trick to forcing it to behave correctly, as it is really annoying not to see up to date thumbnails of what you are working on and only having live thumbnails after publish?

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On mine, the thumbnail updates every time I save a draft clone. You may have an issue with the cache on your web browser showing you the cached image instead of the new one. I always go into my browser settings and force it to not save cached images or webpages. That issue has bit me in the butt before I ever started playing on Facer.


I noticed the same. I have not figured out how to solve it yet.


Same here!! But when I publish one it’s fine.


Yeah. First thing I tried was browser cache. Thing is, once published a face thumbnail will update at each (ooh, haven’t checked save vs publish yet). It may only be those actions that trigger the thumbnail update which is super annoying if you are working on drafts of a duplicate.
Every save of a new draft prompts a thumbnail update so why not a duplicate?


Same here.
If I make copy, change it and save, the thumbnail does not change, unless I publish.
If I make copy of that changed copy with unchanged thumbnail, the new thumbnail actualizes to the current state, but further changes do not show up anymore.


I am using Microsoft Edge as my browser for Facer and I also have it set up so it does not cache any images. I changed this watchface colors so it would be easy to see that I changed it. This is a copy before and after.

1661a 1661b


Ok, now to test the cache theory here.
My Opera browser keeps making copies with not updating thumbnails. Maybe those were somehow only stuck in cache of my browser, while correct ones are stored somewhere on server.
So I installed another new browser, never used this one before, called Brave. Et voila, the thumbnails are shown exactly same not-updated as in Opera.
Maybe the creator pages have different versions prepared for different browsers, but only Facer knows what goes on in background.


Yes. I noticed the copy of a copy thing as the only viable workaround as it is definitely not browser cache. Tested on a completely separate PC.

The problem with the workaround happens if you are working A,B,C variants it is a pain and downright dangerous that you accidentally delete the wrong previous one as there is no way, other than position on screen, to tell which is which unless you change the whole naming convention and move V4A to the front while working. Particularly if you are applying the same fix to all three at roughly the same time.


When working with more than one anything be it an image or a watchface, I will always add an a,b,c, suffix to the name. That way I can always tell them apart.


I’m going to have to start making it a prefix so you don’t have to open them to find out which is which. There is no hover to expand name on the creator page


Looks like the previews of duplicates are updating properly again.


Though my new digital saves seem static and not have the 45-47 second tick that older drafts do.
Still. Better to have the thumbnail showing the correct image.