Different Timezone Expression

I know this has been asked a bunch but I’m still not quite understanding what I need to do to make this work.

I am trying to create a watchface for when I go on vacation in November to Japan. I would like it to show regular local time and then the time back home (CST).

I have been trying to use ((#DUH#-15)%12):#DUmZ# and it shows the time correctly until after 8, it starts counting from -3, -2, etc. Am I using the wrong expression?


Welcome to the best Smartwatch Face Creating platform on the planet :wave:
My Math is useless sorry, but there’s loads of helpful people here, so I’m sure you’ll have this resolved soon.


Yup, you can’t just add or subtract values from time, that is not going to work as you found out.

Check this thread.
If you still get stuck, let me know.

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Excuse me . Have a look at the inside of this . Tap at 12 or 6 to to change Time zone . I can not publish this as I canceled my Pro subscription . Just take the Bits you want .

This one is published but Inspectable .


Hello. Your expression is not bad in principle, you just picked bad way to count the difference between the timezones. To use the modulo function (%, it returns reminder after division of what is in front of it by what is behind it) correctly on time zones, you need to add positive value of the period to your zone difference from coordinated universal time (UTC). The %12 means you probably want to show the time in 12h format (12h period). For your purpose I would use one field with regular local time #Dh#:#DmZ# and another for Central Standard Time (CST), which is 6 hours behind UTC. It should look more like ((#DUH#+12-6)%12):#DUmZ# (you can count the numbers together when writing the final formula, I just put them both there to make it more understandable)


Thank you!! This helped me understand and complete my watch!

Thank you everyone else as well. Very nice and helpful community here. :slight_smile: