#dnow# - #dsync# = #dwe#?

SINCE SYNCED TEST • Facer: the world’s largest watch face platform

I cannot imagine why Facer give us #DSYNC# .
I would love to know. Just testing it Subtracting it from #DNOW# should give me how long I have had that Face. However it Behaves exactly the same as #DWE# . I am not complaining just interested. I bet this gets a huge response. ::))


I guess no. More like #DNOW#-#DSYNC#=time stamp when the watch face was synced. The values are growing together, no matter whether awake or in dim mode. One since sync, other since our era.
#DWE# resets at every wake up.


Yeah. According to the documentation #DSYNC# is a fixed vale at the time the face is synced. It works correctly on the Facer.io time machine but not on my watch. A bonus is it gives milliseconds since wake.


This is an interesting problem that I would like to have working on a face I am working on. I need to know the time in hours or days since the watch face was synced to callibrate the time elapsed since an event. Did you guys ever get (#DNOW#-#DSYNC#) to work? I can’t seem to get it to work either…

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No I am afraid not . I tried everything , good and bad Syntax , I would say it does not work . Perhaps it should be flagged as a Pro Utility but none commented on it working .
I don’t suppose #ZWC# Number of watch face activations since synced , also I do not know if this works . Sounds complicated and very interesting got the BradC stamp on it already ; )

Darn, thanks @russellcresser. I think it’s a bug that @Facer_Official should know about… Maybe this tag will get their attention.

Actually, what I had in mind (if I can get this to work ) is a simple calibration solution to a complicated celestial event that is different all over the world. Oh well, I’ll keep looking at alternative ways to go about it…

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Yeah you certainly get some complex parts on your Faces. Sounds to me like you need to GoPro. I always hope that Little Labs look at some of these things. I think I sent an Email on this one. But I never hold my breath. I think Facer rely heavily on the community to fend off a lot of enquiries. Without the guys on here there would be far less people able to get Creative.

Seems to work fine on my Fossil Carlyle…


@ThaMattie . Thanks for looking at this. I will try it again on my watch . Would you publish this test . For a few hours may be. I am thinking it depends on the watch .

A few screenshots from my watch.
Also tried #ZWC# to show the number of Wakes.
That also will not work on my watch.
Just watch specific problems I guess.
Galaxy Active for reference.



Screen_20210918_210606 .

Yeah, I guess Facer needs to get it’s info from the watch and if the watch provides the wrong info then it’s too bad…

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Yeah. There is plenty that works perfectly to make a Nice Face. I am finding in the time I have been using Facer things are getting smother. Thanks for joining in. Some times I think my problems are my bad implementation of the Maths. It is great to have input from an experienced Maker ; )

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Hey, thanks for looking into this some more @ThaMattie & @russellcresser. I am thinking this is a thing that isn’t compatible with Samsung watches, since it is working with your Fossil and not my Samsung Galaxy watch. At first I thought it was working about 9 minutes in, but then it resets back to zero… Oh well…

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