One more…18 syncs
You saying you got 66 Syncs. That is good going. That is an Attractive face. It will slow burn on your Profile. Promote it to the top of your list. Only a small number are shown when people view you profile on the Apps.
i love seeing peeps so called bombs. Im surprised cause some of the ones i have seen are cool (; should have named it the bomb post. haha
It’s hard to figure but I do know one thing…no one seems to care for tourbillons which I love to make.
how do u promote urs to the top list. is the premium only maybe
hehe this is fun…way more interesting than hearing about someone’s 5000 plus syncs. this should be a running thread.
They want them looking like Christmas Trees. The more cluttered the Better. Style is not an issue. Novelty Forget it. I want to run all the Chart Toppers through an Avreging AI and see what the norm is. I think there are actually 2 or 3 but. I think I will stick t what I want to do.
im gonna start asking chatGPT to design my faces for me.
I meant to keep you favourite Faces listed at the top of you collection. You Edit it and Update
it with some minor adjustment like the display watch. That Bubbles it to the Top of your list. Obviously it dose not get on the Fresh Faces List but it is there when someone is Browsing your profile. Under the Face they are looking at as Other Faces By the Author.
ok ok very nice info… thanks.
The point of making watchfaces should be having fun.
For me it’s just a nice hobby. It relaxes me.
As petruuccios says: don’t get obsessed.
It’s nice to see other people like your work but, in the end, it doesn’t matter. Make them for yourself. Challenge yourself with new stuff, how to make something.
Top 100 is a way to get most syncs but there is no recipe how to be listed there.
No Face that I create is a failure, regardless of syncs. I make Faces because I enjoy making Faces, and if people want to sync what I create that’s solely up to them.
I founded my first graphic label in 2001.
Over the years I’ve become a little spoiled by success.
But that doesn’t mean that every release was or is a big success.
I’ve been traveling here for a few months now.
Like everyone else, I have faces that hit like a bomb, or are almost not liked at all.
Of course that’s frustrating.
But the important thing is that you like your work.
And the more you draw, the better your drawings will be, you will find your own style and with it your success will increase.
And yes, even a sync is a success.
For one user it can be the most beautiful face in the world.
He is happy every time he looks at his watch.
That’s the reason we’re doing all of this.
3 month, 0 syncs, but OK, it is premium face. The face means a lot to me. It features the colors of my best buddy’s race bike.
You can see some pictures of him in action if you go to the watch face…
Yes, for Premium even one sync is success.
thanks for all the sounds off guys… thats what i am loooking for. those kind of answers… everyone of u so far has something great to say, And tom i love it. Bet that bike is sweet.
66 is not bombing. well maybe for u. I would be blessed to get half that for one watch lol. So fill blessed
my highest sync right now is 25 so i would be thrilled with that number.
You have been arround for a month or so. You have 42 Folliwers that is very good. If you do not get in the charts and get featured it is always a slow burn. I think you need about 30 syncs in a day to get in the Charts . For now be happy with the slow burn. You will see it building up nicely untill you upset the Bot ( Marvin).
I’m so sorry still learning where is this so called chart located? Sorry for noob question.