We are all Learning all the time . Thank God .
On the Web page remember to select the OS first . No Need to select Tizen only WOS or Apple .
TABLET app is similar to Phone.
We are all Learning all the time . Thank God .
On the Web page remember to select the OS first . No Need to select Tizen only WOS or Apple .
A vintage design from a defunct brand that I personally found very striking.
Much work in Photoshop to figure out how to recreate its features.
I think it came out great.
6 syncs since its release on 9/12/22.
A success for my purposes, even if no one else liked it.
It is very pretty and neat, but I guess for smartwatch it is too “subtle”. I have similar problem with my analog faces. I think for the display they need some more contrast to become striking and tempting to try. Even if it is exaggerated in the end. You can afford to push it harder
I only design for fun and I’m flattered that someone likes my designs enough to wear them. I have a few which have only 1 sync but the one I would consider to have bombed is this one.
I don’t bother looking at the charts, I design what I like or find interesting, and would like to wear myself.
I find it quite surprising that It is important which watch you chose to Display your Face on for Publication . I find the Pixel watch drags it is bit .
love it
Its nice to me. I like it and thanks for sharing waynehardy66
what u mean russel? maybe im being a noob again. If so hehe u know me haha…
When you Publish a Face you can chose which is the Display watch . Most are choosing on of the GW5 Watches at the moment as they are Quite New .
Simply because I like the look of the pixel watch with certain faces.
oh ok thanks as always russellcresser.
I’ve just looked at all the recent faces on the facer main page. I have one of mine there atm, and have used the Fossil Gen6, all the other ones are GW4! So it doesn’t half stand out!
I have to jump in here. My succuss is at 11,240 syncs and my failure is almost four years old with no syncs yet to this day. I also have some others without a single sync. Sadly, that is just one of the learning lessons we all get on what makes a popular watch, and what doesn’t.
Thanks for everyone who has shared so far. Its nice too hear from vets who have been here for some time and had some time too accumulate syncs sharing what got u there … For someone like me who just started on Facer not too long ago it helps a lot and makes me want to continue that grind Again thanks for all those that have shared so far…
Syncs are not everything- I’m SAD if someone syncs some of my watchfaces! I published some that indicate medical conditions and blood types - so I’m happy that nobody needs them!
super cool watch.
It’s like a music chart. Some music is always on top.
Because it’s good? Can be, but not necessary.
Because it’s popular? Yes.
Why it’s popular? there’re various reasons (marketing, know name/ estabblished value, luck, hopefully and I think mostly quality too, many other variables.
But for me there’s no direct link between popularity and the quality, real value, originality etc of a song, a watchface…
So syncs can say somehting, but surely not everthing IMHO.
Hi, sorry to comment so late but I’ve only just really found this community lol. Is that true about deleting a design means the people that synced it have now lost it? I didn’t know that.
Hi and Welcome . Yes you will see it as a Ghost image in your Favourites . Plenty more where it Came from .
So glad u back i see. Welcome back to the community. Glad u stopped by… As U see below Russellcresser has answered your question… Russell is very helpful …