[Edit] Just Another Circular Text Thread

[Edit] this is - thanks to the immeasurable help of the community - working out quite fine.

Tried with Photoshop path text, which does terrible things when it rasterizes them. And I haven’t the foggiest of what I’m doing anyway. Since you ladies and gents do real wonders to text, even in completely unexpected software (like gears in PowerPoint): Can you help ,e get on the correct path to concoct pristine, even pretty short month strings that needlessly circle to the beat of #DWFSS#?

I had some looks into the forum, of course, but I failed to find this info so far - so please don’t think I’m bumming your ideas, if there’s a link to a post I’d be quite happy and grateful.


OK, Bit of a roundabout way but you could use WFS.
Start a project. Add a text field with Jan as a text field.
In properties apply curved text, set size and so on
The project file can be opened as an archive and the default preview opened and the background stripped in PS.
Repeat as needed.
You could probably drop all 12 months on to make a wheel and either use the 1 wheel and a rotating mask (#DWFSS#+170+[Month arc]*#DM#) or similar. Or just delete unneeded months and rotate for 12 images.

You could drop an image of your face in behind to get the positioning right and then hide it before saving to get image from project archive.

I’ll probably even link WFS projects directly to 7zip as I never double click to open them in WFS.


Me I would make the date the same size as the gap between hour hand and the grey arc
Then put a circle underneath it with the same thickness of the text - make a contrast between them and have the text rotating with #DWFSS# as you have now. That would be my suggestion but im sure other will suggest better ideas!
Like your watch by the way :slight_smile:


Great Tutorial this looks like being :eyes:


Oh, In WFS you can move the rotation anchor to any point on (or outside) an object as well so it is great for making dials when the guage generator doesn’t cut it.
Drop in Sunday.
Rotate 90.
Move rotation anchor to below bottom middle (rotate around point outside object).
Change rotation to +360/7


You are on the right track! You split the day of the month into two elements.

But your rotation for X and Y are a bit strange to me. It is easier to start at 00:00:00 and have the day start at 12 o’clock. Because then the rotation of the numbers is DWFSS.

So I did this:

Date tens (1st digit of day):
X: (((sin((-(#DWFSS#+180)/180)*pi))*96)+160)
Y: (((cos((-(#DWFSS#+180)/180)*pi))*96)+160)
Rotation: #DWFSS#

Date ones: (last digit of the day):
X: (((sin((-(#DWFSS#+185)/180)*pi))*96)+160)
Y: (((cos((-(#DWFSS#+185)/180)*pi))*96)+160)
Rotation: (#DWFSS#+2)


Cunning. You can then also do the same for the month with 3 more text fields and further offsets:

M1 Text
M2 Text
M3 Text
You get the jist.




Also, I use slightly different XY maths with rad(), and also a slightly different order. Only because that’s what I found here first e.g:
X: (160+(120*cos(rad(#DWFSS#-90))))
Y: (160+(120*sin(rad(#DWFSS#-90))))

I had it pegged as

  | -Centre          |-Speed
  |    |-Length      |     |-Required Offset for zero at the top

I bet though, that reversing sin/cos would remove that offset I thought nothing of until now.


OK. I’m the ‘text only’ guy. Had to give it a shot. Just a rough test and need to adjust the spacing but just started at the right hand character and increased the offset decreased rotation by 8 each character with a 10 increase between numbers and letters.

I’ll probably end up making something of it so I named the top 5 text fields used here for now. If not I’ll leave it as is for the thread:

Oh, the only difference here with the Bode version of Roboto Mono is I removed the diagonal from the zero. I don’t like them

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You could have used the Powerpoint for individual images with curved text.
As earlier mentioned, you could also make just one image with all months on it and add an arc mask that would cover all but actual month and rotate along with the months image. Something like here, just with added minute spin.


I see this stated a lot but I have had a look and it seems you still have to add in every single month/hour/Second individually. Is this correct? Much donkey work to create your templates or is there a way to use it as a range for instance?

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Stunning, fellow watch makers, stunning. Have to dig through this treasure. Thanks!


Made a “month disk” as suggested, blocked out everything except the “MAR” with a progress arc. AND I chose one of my favourite fonts, and as it happens it doesn’t look too bad rendered. Finally converted to rad() instead of the Pi workaround - thanks for the catch!

What’s left are 7 “day discs” with the abbreviated day names on them.

And of course a formula to rotate those whatnots accordingly, but I will get there, I’m sure.

I really like this :slight_smile:

[Edit] My brain keeps complaining that I could as well add weather symbol + temps. Damn. And this might well be hard on the MCU, I think, all that sin and cos and rad. Oh how I wish facer would introduce array variables.

Any of you artists happen to have OUTLINE weather symbols to share with wee me?

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Wow! This is far out! What do you think MCU-wise? Will this work the processor more than having a lot of full size images? I love this solution!

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Pretty certain 3 rotating letters will be more efficient than 12 rotating images, even with 3 calculations (X, Y, Rot)
Damned site easier to change the font style and orbit distance too. Not sure how it affects the Marvel Cinematic Universe ;-)


Oh man, I like this very much. But: what is “$$” in your formula? Couldn’t find this in the “Facer Tags” help pages …

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Try the font in my latest, or the icon set I based them on (with an edit for few clouds I think):

It needs some finagling on X/Y/Size as I wasn’t very good at editing in BirdFont and it is a work in progress but the font is here.

I used the icons from here but didn’t get them quite lined up in the font yet.

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Serial conditionals. Useful when you cannot nest.
$If Jan then J else Nothing$$If Feb then F else Nothing$

It’s the panacea fallback of conditionals when non numerics are needed.


Ah, I see! $[Conditional]$ + $[Conditional]$ + …
Just conga lining them?

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