Fresh Faces Page Swamped

Was it ok for a while and just broke again? I’m wondering if they restored to a backup of a supposedly stable version, but this issue came with it.

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As always thanks for your Input .

I have no clue. I was just trying to figure out if the problem was fixed and returned or if it was never fixed.

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Sadly because I have unfollowed many but not all I am not sure of the temporary fixes if any .

Now that I’ve had a chance to reread some of this old discussion, I’d like to comment on the negative criticism of a premium watch face that was brought back as free without paid features. I have followers who have specified that they do not want to fiddle with their watches to use shortcuts to app info and/or to change color themes. I received one of those comments about 20 minutes ago. Those followers beg me to create the same design without all the bells and whistles. Therefore, it is understandable that a designer may issue a watch face as a free version for a limited time. I’ve done that for special followers. The folks just want to enjoy the image and basic info, but don’t want to “play” with it. Let’s try to see both sides of the situation and give the Partners a break. We try to please our followers who have different needs.


I for one am quite sure it’s not anything the partners are doing on purpose or by accident. I suspect it’s just a glitch in the system that just pops up at times and goes away at other times. I follow very few people and have never seen the issue firsthand. But I have seen my notifications get swamped by the same user who has filled up my 25 latest notifications on several times liking different watchfaces of mine. We are talking 15 to 25 faces in a span of 3 or 4 minutes. That is most likely a bot and not a glitch. Now to clarify, I am not accusing any partner of this in any way. I call this person / bot the alphanumeric user at a popular email provider. I’m sure you all have seen that account pop up in your own notifications.


It’s been this way since I started creating and publishing faces. Within an hour my newly published face is flooded out into never never land. I have voiced this concern before but it falls on deaf ears. There is no way for a non-featured maker to get any real exposure.
As far as following I don’t get into that. I have only a few creators that I presently follow who have taste in faces much like mine.


I usually publish the same face both free and premium. I figure I will get more syncs under free naturally but I get next to no syncs under premium. Free out weighs premium by a long shot.
I list under both so all can enjoy and for more exposure.

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I haven’t seen this multiple notifications on my end. Samsung S10 Plus and Galaxy Watch 4 Classic.

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Let’s see if we can identify the issue.

I know it’s both annoying to get multiple messages about the same release, and that it pushes your designs out. I can only assume that the latter is what is more frustrating, and I agree.

There are several sections of faces that are free only. It seems like the “My Feed” section is mostly free faces if not all. The “Trending” and “Recent/Newest” are mostly free faces as well. Of course you have the “Top 100 Free” faces as well.

It looks like the categories (Abstract, Anime, Cartoon and all the rest) are maybe 50/50 free/paid but lots of free ones in there too.

So if visibility is what you’re looking for, how can we change things to facilitate that? (I’m not saying I can make anything happen, I probably can’t but I’m trying to help)

I feel like it wasnt that long ago that I was looking for visibility/traction to partner as well, it was a grind. I worked hard. I learned a lot. As I don’t have any social media, and few friends, it was extremely difficult to market my work. Facer is where it needs to happen in my opinion. But how?

Facer’s here to make money I’d assume, so marketing free stuff is only so profitable. But the free work, if good, becomes paid work. Maybe there’s a way to get an additional section in the “Featured” area for free faces like “Top 10 free sci-fi faces of the month” or something. I don’t know. I don’t have the answer, just thought I’d see if we can focus on finding one.


I think this thread got hijacked and changed from the Fresh Faces Page being swamped into “my notifications are being swamped by multiple notices about the same premium face from a followed creator”. (If that makes sense.) Maybe it’s time to start a new targeted thread about the “Notifications Being Swamped” and let this page die off… Just a thought.


Yeah what he said . My apologies . Nothing is going to change any way . It seems Facer can not fix anything that gets broken .


Nicely put Rator. Thx for the great input. I am pretty much where you were. I’m gonna keep at it. I like this new hobby and would like to be featured at some point. No social media here except for Twitter which Facer doesn’t utilize. You have great ideas for Facer. It would be nice to see some updates to the site.
Ok, now which way can we take this topic.


Thanks. And yes, please do keep it up! If you do good work, people will take notice.


Thanks U Linlay for all your time patience. Ur the best and i see u… Also You to Rapor…


So facer Apple Faces Cant animation I did not know that. Ok good To know. I learn a lot from reading ur stuff thanks russel u rock and great watch faces u have too!!! (:

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You can learn all about Facers imposed by Apple limitations here: Limitations of Apple Watch


thanks very helpful my friend


YIPPEE . It seems like the Multiple Notification Glitch has been Debugged . I wonder if any one else has noticed . I can reinstate all my Favourites now . thank you @Facer_Official and @Facer-Staff .