Help with Facebook please

I just see the New User question pop-up.

I did not actually join the Apple group. I wasn’t sure if it was Facer sponsored, so I backed out. However, yes, I was given the option there to join as a brand. After that I tried Facer again and was given the option to “Follow” not “Join”. I can post there now, so whatever they want to call it is fine with me.

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So before you backed out of the joining process for the Apple group, did you get a separate pop-up to choose between your profile or page?

Yes, I had a choice. it’s a drop-down menu at the Join Group button, not a popup.

Editing to add that Facebook kept asking me to add content to my page, so I did for a few days. Maybe that’s what I needed to do to unlock the gate and make Facebook happy.


Thanks, no drop down visible for me … Oh well, I’ll keep posting to my page and hopefully the Facebook faeries will eventually do their magic to let me join …


This is so totally weird… my unpublished page with zero likes and zero follows has joined the Facer group (as my page) and it can attempt to post to the Facer group (as my page), but yours is stuck… what’s wrong with FB?

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what’s wrong with FB?

I have a huge list. :laughing:


Oh I do have my own list… they’ve been quite the fascists with their trigger-happy censorship :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

@mikeoday I see you’re up to 17 likes and 23 follows! Is FB still not letting you assign the name?

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I gave it a test run for a couple of weeks. I probably won’t be very active in there.

Sorry, missed your reply - no. I don’t know what the issue is … :anguished:

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@kourosh Facebook practices viewpoint discrimination. As far as communication within any Facebook group, I always thought that it is improper to use chatspeak, slang, and idioms in international groups. Profanity should be unacceptable everywhere. Apparently, spam bots are causing this.


A public group sponsored by a brand is a reflection of the brand’s integrity. The FB group was a great idea, but it would be much better if everyone tries to be professional. If you are a free or Pro designing member at Facer and are posting samples in the group please remember that we are representing Facer. The images that we use and the tone of our posts can speak volumes about us, our brand, and Facer.


I agree that a group sponsored by a brand is a reflection of the brand’s identity, but I disagree that all content creators represent the brand. FCP’s represent the brand as well as themselves. Others are just representing themselves. For most people, its in their interests to maintain a clean image, but just like in the real world, people gain popularity by being unconventional, and some thrive on representing a really bad boy/girl/non-binary image.

Social media is like the wild west. Oversight is a lot of work, and I think for most smaller brands is unmanageable. There are so many ethics quagmires attached to moderating and the amount of effort required to gain anything on social is huge.

Just look at the complexities mentioned in this thread. Its just silly. I understand their need to reach a wider audience than a forum like this one can ever do, and social is certainly the way to do it these days, but man, the work.

Its unlikely you’ll find me there. I hate Facebook as a user (didn’t even visit on my birthday this year), and I’m certainly not willing to put the effort into maintaining a microbrand.


Sorry, I like facer and what they are providing for people, but no. In case of free or pro members we represent more the customers of Facer, than the brand it self, unless we were partners. I do not have anything to say against Facer, and publishing link on the FB group gained me few extra followers and downloads, but will posing there on FB as a “representative” turn me from hobbyist into professional (i.e. grant me any discount or income)?


I feel that regardless of our status, if we are using Facer’s software, we should have the courtesy to reciprocate by acting like adults in a Facer sponsored group. The tone of a group is set by its members. Yes, we may be only customers. However, as a customer at any store is it ok to walk in and act like children? That does not happen in other FB groups where I am a member.


@Linlay @richiebee @petruuccios
I can’t say I would disagree with any of you on the surface, but I think it’s a little more nuanced than what you are stating. Yes, we all, to a degree, agree that at some point we are a reflection of Facer’s brand’s integrity, but also Facebook’s and our own integrity. As to Richie’s comment about the bad boy image some like to portray, I’m a prime example of that. You all know me as being someone who tries to be kind and helpful, but yet I choose to use Mr. Antisocial Guy as my “brand”. As to Linly’s comment about using Facer’s software I agree, but if they are doing something wrong, I feel we should also call them out for it, NICELY, but call them out none the less.

Plus, all of us have the handicap of not being in person speaking, but we are online typing comments which lose a most of the in person emotional ques, but also can be understood differently by other people, especially globally with everyone’s different understanding of what some words or phrases meant by the writer.


For the sake of discussion, I’ve never considered you a “bad boy”. Either I’ve missed reading some of your content, or you need to try harder to misbehave.
I agree with you about letting Facer know about software bugs, but there are proper channels for that. “Calling out” in a public forum is not always the best way to handle things.


We give Facer content, without which it is nothing. Little Labs gives us a platform and a place to put our content without which our place on Facer is nothing. They owe us nothing, and we owe them nothing. If they decided to shut Facer down tomorrow, there would be no compensation, no negotiation and likely no notice. Our hard work could disappear tomorrow and we wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.

Any kind of higher standard Facer holds its creative partners is between those two parties.

I think in the main, people like a pleasant environment, where we can agree or disagree without name calling and without profanities, but we don’t owe Facer “professionalism”.


Those are the chances that all of us take on the internet. I lost several years of tech articles that I authored because a brand did a complete redesign of its website. I do think that our followers would miss Facer if it disappeared, though.

What I meant by “professionalism” is related to the use of profanity in the group. Children use profanity to attract attention. If members are trying to attract attention to their hard work or to the work of others, in my opinion that is not the best way to do it. I have followers who are mothers, grandmothers, and my business colleagues. For that reason, I have hesitated to recommend the group.


It appears that we cannot post our promo images in the FB group as we do at IG. I’ve had 2 removed. Sorry, I cannot do a wrist selfie. I have a broken wrist with a brace on it.

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