How many syncs to make the top 100?

I’m only making faces for me primarily, just what interests me so I’m not really bothered about fame/glory/bragging rights!
But clearly people pick up on them and sync them and that generates movement.
Any idea what numbers are we talking about to get in the charts?
You can’t see stats for other peoples work (I don’t think)




Good question, but it’s all down to personal choice and style really.
Welcome to the Facer Community by the way :smiley:


It use to be if you got 20 syncs in one day that face popped into the charts. I think it is more than that now but 30 should do it . Sadly there is a Fashion for posting Multiple Zero Effort Faces which swamp your brief exposure in Fresh Faces . I counted one Maker posting over 100 in succession . Almost like they were a Bot or Obsessed.
If you can get into the charts ( You have more chance if you consult a Witch Doctor ) you can get 3k syncs in a few days . There used to be a unrecognised top 50 that only showed on the apps . Once you are out of the top 50 on the way down you are out after a few days . You need another one waiting in the wings timed right so you always have one in there .
Too Much like hard work .
Just Have Fun .


Thanks Russell, interesting. It’s like a well time tweet I suppose.
Yes, like I said, not in it for the ego, just curious. There does seem to be a preponderance of similar styled faces all in one hit (there were about a dozen One Direction faces in 5 mins ffs - same face, different photos. Ridiculous.)

For all the decent designers around there are a hundred more with a box of crayons and no eyes.


Cheers - good to be here.


Sadly they don’t even bother with the crayons . When I first saw the Tag List of things we can do on a Face I nearly wet Myself. That was a while ago now . I am still continually knocked out by what the Maths and Graphics Masters do .


I “think” it is a combination of likes, syncs, timing and just good luck. The list resets itself at midnight between Sunday and Monday Los Angeles CA U.S.A. time. So, for the timing early Monday in California is the best time to publish, but that is when everyone else does also. I just had one of my watchfaces hit the top 100 yesterday. It had over 200 syncs and a ton of likes and only hit the list at number 88. It has gotten much harder to hit the top 100 list in the last year or so.


It differs. The charts are refreshed weekly. Faces older than about 5 weeks automatically falling out.
Until now almost all faces I made for apple watch managed to show up on charts at least for a while, with tens to hundreds of syncs per week. To get into the non apple charts I have no idea, only once noticed I had face there (and it has overall about 380 syncs now after a whole year). There is much stronger competition.


Depending on when it’s released it varies, but most of mine hit 100 at about 190 syncs.


Yes, same as mine around that 190 sync before went to top 100

In Premium top 100 required around 120 sync

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guten morgen an alle. welchen Rang hatte ich denn bei den über 6000 Synchronisationen ? Das würde mich dann schon interessieren ? Ich wünsche euch weiterhin viel Spass, und ich hoffe, dass ich mit meinen dilettantischen Uhren ein wenig Freude bereiten kann. Liebe Gruesse aus Bayern.

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Das Schlimme ist, dass Sie es finden müssen, während es auf der Top-100-Liste steht. Es scheint keine Aufzeichnungen darüber zu geben und keine Benachrichtigung von Facer.

Hätten Sie die 6000 während Montag erreicht, würden Sie wahrscheinlich eine Weile an der Spitze gewesen. Hätten Sie diese in einem Jahr akkumuliert, es ist nicht sicher ob Sie überhaupt je auf der Liste waren.

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aha. ich verstehe. eine zeitliche Zählung. naja, das kann man im nachhineien nicht mehr feststellen.

liebe gruesse

Ich habe ständig faces in den free top 100.
Aber ich erkenne kaum ein System dahinter.
Es gab faces, die hatten kaum syncs, aber sehr viele likes, die den Sprung geschafft haben.
Daher muß es eine Kombination aus verschiedenen Faktoren sein.

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danke dir für die info. schönes wochenende

As I said before, looks like making the top 100 is blind luck…

Just today I’ve noticed a watchface, position 40 of 100:

It’s not my intention to offend the designer, but is it really a watchface for top 100?

I would like to hear your opinions.


I cannot comment on WearOS. My best watch face at 2377 sync never made it into the charts. It took too long to climb the ladder…

On Apple Watch, it seems to take less. Got one watch face with 43 syncs on 90th place.

The calculation into the charts must consider the number of syncs per day. It keeps climbing the charts the more syncs per day. Once the syncs start to drop you lose ranks until you drop out at some point.

that is what I figured anyway, could be wrong…


That example is a very minimal design but many people, myself included like minimal. You have to remember that people who sync don’t care how long it took the designer to make or how complicated it was to make. Some people like a great deal of detail and information and others don’t, some like a lot of colors and some don’t, some like analog and some like digital. This is why you see a mix of faces on the top 100.


One way to get in the top 100 Free is to get the word FUCK in the Face nice and clear. This one might make it you Never Know.