I post a new face and I call Total BS!

I just got done with a watch face that took me all day to do, then I go to publish it and the system removed it right away. Got this in my email,

" Dear Facer User:

We removed the watch face “PB-668” that you posted on Sunday, August 11th 2024 at 5:59:28 PM +00:00 because our system flagged that it may be infringing on the copyrights or trademarks of these brands: World of Warcraft.

If you are the copyright/trademark owner, the agent of the copyright/trademark owner or otherwise have documented permission to publish this watch face, you can appeal the removal. Upon proper proof of your ownership/authority and completion of the applicable documentation your watchface may be re-activated. Please make sure to attach any relevant documentation to your appeal so our team can review it and process your request."

This face has NOTHING to due with World of Warcraft whatsoever!!!


Oh Dear Did you Duplicate before you Published . Did you make any refrence to War craft in your description . The Quick ones are Something in the Text .


You did not even use Blue and Yellow Together…

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No I didn’t. But I will make them put back in my creator. And no didn’t put any reference to that stupid game whatsoever. This really ticks me off because I spent more time with this face than I did with all my others. :angry: :rage:


A am also disputing it!!!


I Got face taken down because I spelt Channel Wrong . Spelling is not one of my assets . " Chanel " make some very Famous Watches Don’t you Know .


I’ve had words in my descriptions of watchfaces or one of the tag words get them taken down. I’ve learned to be very generic in my descriptions just naming what is in the face, such as 12/24 digital, day, date, etc. I haven’t had problems like that once I started just naming watchface parts in the description.


I put in the description / Tags like I use for all my watch faces. This is why I am angry with Facer at the moment. I don’t get it & it’s ridiculous


Sorry but when I see your watch face, the first thing I think of is WoW. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


It usually helps to ask nicely exactly what it was that caused the system to flag that. It could be as simple as a texture or a similar font. I had one flagged a few years ago that used Roman Numerals. Unbeknownst to me, that famous “R” brand also uses Roman Numerals. So do generations of clocks and watches. Once the reason was explained to me my design was restored. Be nice. I’m sure the issue will be resolved.


It has happened to most all of us - even just because of a typo!

All the more, it would be amazing to have a pre-publishing checker !
@Facer_Official : next priority?


In my experience . I do not remember anyone getting the Face Back . Send it out again as NEW WATCHFACE with No Description . That seems to be Common way of Bashing out Fresh Faces .

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I have had a face given back to me. It needs some patience since we know the team is not large. I opened a ticket, asked politely after 2 weeks where we are with it, and they responded and the face was there in Creator.


This has happened about theee time to me. Each time for a word in the name of the watch face. They return it within a day or so. Ive had to re-create from scratch in all three occasions because you never know how long it takes for a response!


I have once, but all the rest were never returned.


right but I would have to start from scratch. Grrr But I still have it on my watch though.


Yeah I never Bothered to Ask for them back because I thought it did not happen . I started to duplicate because at one stage I was limiting the number of Publications I had and when I deleted them that was it . I just Publish a copy these days .

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Well, It went through this time.


Totally agree with Mranitsocialguy , so do I to.
I cros my fingers, till now Marvin had no remarks about my faces

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Unfair takedowns happen to all of us. Nice watch face - glad you got it through!