I Wonder Some Days Why I Accept Requests

Where is it written, that you have to sync it first, if you wanted to give a like as sign of admiration? I give likes though I do not even have a working watch to test right now. If I like the preview, but the face does not work well on watch, it is not my fault and most probably not even the face authors fault.
If my watchface gets a like, I like to check back, what else the person was liking too.


Do we know how to delete likes. I give them out of Apreciation with no intention of Syncing.

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just to clarify, i dont mind people that like faces but dont sync them i was just trying to acknowledge there are bots on here as they must be to click like on several faces every day for a month(same faces everyday), then several other faces everyday for a month. then starting again on the first lot , for months


Oh I am not that Bad : )


Even monsters can be good :wink:

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I just feel that the likes would mean more to me as a creator if we had a count of how many likes a watch face has received. It could be in the creator right between the sync count and comment count. Then it would be helpful in determining the faces true popularity. That way it might become useful for everyone. Users would be able to find it again in their liked folder and creators could see what styles of face or with what extras, (steps, weather, etc) are most popular.


Yes, also ratio between likes and syncs would be interesting, like nice to look at vs. desirable to wear.


Good idea!


Uhuuu I know that also too well


@russellcresser Not 100% on this, just a thought, but hitting Like a 2nd time delete it, kinda like Like, Unlike :thinking:

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Thatā€™s because itā€™s more like a favorite, or bookmarkā€¦

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@icrltd4 Ok so I go to my Favourites Folder 1.3K and click on them then Unlike them . Unfortunately I would not want to offend by removing them . I donā€™t suppose there is an Unlike Notification . At the end of the day there is no log of likes so statically it is Irrelevant . I think the Partners can Monitor Likes . Thatā€™s me getting into trouble again . I have a most liked Folder which is building up nicely . You are all in there ::))


for what i remember when i tryed pro you can track sync not like , but maybe iā€™m wrong , it would be cool that some partner that have a condition to partecipate and help in forum activity would explain better but we know how it works here. In my opinion the best thing to help everyone to meet the ppl trending is the total sync number under every face , dont care about charts that are time dependent but the total give you a perspective of what ppl like most, for my little experience i can tell that there is a big big big difference from analog and digit faces ,syncs of analog style are 80% less than digital , no matter how cool analog is but just for example if the same analog got the digit time display section like mini hybrid you doubled the sync .So the factors are 3 , one if you want meeet ppl favour go digital ,two if you like to have fun do what you want and last but not the least i have never typed so much in a post lol hahahah.


Yeah @Linlay is vergood but does come in for a bit of Flack. I kind of hope we would we would see more of the Partners and
Facer Official. But then I am not surprised. I think it is quite amusing that it is part of the Ethos as you say.
I have two analogues I made in the Early days. One was a ReVamp I preferred. I left them both up out of Intrest. The first one had more Syncs because it was the earlier publication. So slowly over a Year or so the one I prefer has crept into First place. So apart from one face that got a few Syncs as it got into the Free 100 for a day or two it is at the top of my Syncs at a staggering 195 Syncs. The point is the most popular slowly bubble up to the top of your sync list.
As you say the best Resource we have apart from Facer Creator is
" Have Fun " .

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I agree with your digital vs analog, but I also agree with @russellcresser. Initially the digitals do better in syncs, but in the long run the analogs are just as strong and sometimes surpass the digitals. And itā€™s not the real fancy analogs for me that do best. Itā€™s the basic dark ones. MAG 593 is my #6 and highest synced analog watch face at 4,808, the top five highest are digitals.


i told based on my experience and based on same time pubblished , btw iā€™m happy to get a close results to my statistic , 5 digits highers than 1 analog, 80% - 20% , it means that if you will do a digit style you can have 4 time easily chance to sync .
Obviously a big spin could be done if you will be featured for some week on home page app , this can distort the results beccause its easy to have a 1 or 2 k sync in a week,but what surprised me in very negative mode was the low low proportion of the premium version vs the free , a range of 5000 free syncs vs 100 premium and not a free sell face , just a subscrition premium face, very very low


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m hoping for, everything Iā€™ve been working on is analogā€¦ :crossed_fingers:


Analogue ALWAYS beats Digital in the electronics audio world :grin:


Analogue ALWAYS beats Digital in the electronics audio world :grin:

Youā€™ll get no argument from me on that. Analog music seems to have a warmer sound than digital. Or at least it does on analog equipment. For real warm sounds it requires ā€œhollow stateā€ not solid state equipment. Note: Hollow State is tube type or as you all over there call valve type.



Since weā€™re going that route

So true

For example

LP is so much better than tape, CD, or anything else