Introducing Facer Creator Pro

We couldn’t be more excited to be launching Facer Creator Pro today — a major update to our powerful watch face design tool for smartwatches.

With this new Facer Creator Pro offering, our growing community of 25k+ designers will now have access to a number of new functionalities including color customization, interactivity and app launchers, statistics, and more!

The Facer Creator now has 3 tiers of offering:

  • Facer Creator: the Facer Creator as you know it, allowing you to create amazing faces without writing a single line of code.

  • Facer Creator Pro: the new tier introduced today which makes available all the tools formerly reserved exclusively to premium designers, including themes, interactivity, statistics, and more. Watch faces created using “Pro” features are available to the author of the faces and all Facer Premium users.

  • Facer Creator Partner: this is the tier formerly known as “Premium Design Program”. This tier is invite-only and includes exclusive partnership and publishing opportunities with the Facer team, as well as monetization channels for your designs. We are committed to growing this tier and are scouting the Facer community daily for our next recruits!

To read all about the new Facer Creator Pro features and all other updates to your favorite watch face design tool, head over to our official announcement at


Is Facer committed to having a free version of the creator app long term?

I have to say, the idea of paying to create content for your ecosystem does not sit well with me at all and to top it all off, of course this is not a one time feed, but an ongoing subscription forever.
What happens to the ‘premium’ designs if the subscription is cancelled? Who owns the rights to the content created in this tool?

Come on, Facer. You can do much, much better than this. This is no way to treat your customers!


My guess is the original creator will always be available and free to use.

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I would also love to see a reply to this important issue.


This is of great interest to me as well , I created a watch face lost my subscription renewed my script and my watchface is no longer associated with my account. Creators be :warning:


I don’t exactly know the answer, but if I was troubleshooting I’d first ask if the account you added pro creator back to is the exact same account you had previously made the premium face with?

I do know that if you have pro and build some premium faces then cancel pro, those faces still exist in your non pro account. What I don’t know is if some of the ability to edit the premium elements is gone after you cancel pro. If I remember, when I did a face for the Montblanc competition Facer made pro creator features available to all participants. After the contest was over I still could fully edit the pro features that existed in that face, but some of the pro tools that are in the preview pane were not usable, and I couldn’t add any new pro elements (since I didn’t have Pro).

So in my experience and as I understand it, whatever faces you made with a pro account should remain fully functioning in your account even if you cancel pro. *disclaimer… my word is NOT official.

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Am I the only person who clicked on the nice graphic for Facer Creator Pro above and saw the nice Download sign and clicked on it only to be confused because I downloaded a PNG file ( the nice graphic above) . It wasnt hard to find the actual download on but i have these 6 png files now :slight_smile:

It’s best to work through a browser. The desktop version is constantly in beta and has not been updated for a long time

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I don’t get this…

You want to charge the designer a fee (for Creator Pro) so they can create faces that you can then charge people to download?

So you get the money for the product and the sale, yet the designer gets nothing except a larger bill???

Talk about double dipping with absolutely NO benefit to the people doing all the work!
At very least, Facer Creator Pro should include Facer Premium!!!

Facer Creator Pro is available so that people can design faces, for use by themselves, with advanced premium features. They can also share them if they want but there is no requirement to do so. Of course, because the faces include Premium features, anyone else wanting to use the face will need subscribe.

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It is always good to look around at other Platforms to see how easy they are to Work On .