Premium and Pro Differences

Hi everybody,
I’ve seen questions regarding this from several members in the past few weeks, so I decided to write a mini article.

First of all, Facer members whether they subscribe to one of the following or not, can create free watch faces by using Creator for free. Depending on your preferences you have the option to purchase either or both of these to enrich your Facer experience.

  1. A Premium Membership permits its members to wear all faces free as well as paid. It also removes ads from the phone app and increases the Watchbox capacity on your watch.
    Additional details and discussion:
    Introducing Facer 5.0 and Facer Premium

  2. A Facer Creator Pro Subscription is a tier of Creator. It gives you access to the Pro Tools for creating Free and Paid watch faces.
    See: Introducing Facer Creator Pro

To simplify the above in one sentence, Premium is about wearing and Pro is about creating.

I hope this will help to clear up the confusion. If not, let me know.


Hey Linlay,
This is probably a tired topic, but I noticed all my published faces are premium. I understand that is because I used Pro tools, but what tools exactly, are considered “Pro”?
My organization has personnel in multiple time zones. My creation reflects that, but it also has date, moon phase, Julian date, etc…

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These are the PRO Layers that will make your Face Premium . Even if they are hidden .
vars programables
custon comps

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Thanks, Russell. I want to upgrade to that level but am not quite there yet.
That being said, I have not used any of those features and all my faces are premium.
Is it Weather or Moon Phases?

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OH . Well I must have missed some thing . Let us see an inspectable draft. Weather and Moon are Free . Only the layers that have the PRO badge next to them go out Premium . Some Tags are PRO but you should not be able to use them if you are not . If you are talking Apple I will not be much use to you .Lets have a look at your work any way .

Maybe you used the paintbrush icon and activated themes for some of the layers. that is not among those features above.


Well Done Peter . Smart :::)))

Yes, russellcresser made it clear.

I guess you’ve used one or more PRO features by mistake.

Most likely what Peter said:

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Actually I meant this, it triggers the use of themes even without adding separate theme picker layer.
Themes can be changed from phone app even if theme picker is not present on the face (at least my Gear S3 works like that, I can not change theme on the watch directly).


Now that is a nice idea . Several digital clocks themed . This Topic is becoming a very Useful as a tutorial . I have Bookmarked it . I wish those Icons were a Bit more Punchy . The other Platform I work on Misses the trick there as well . A Nice neat circle or what Peter has done to highlight the Action you have selected. Or Both . Yum .
Perhaps we can get Facer Official @Facer_Official to comment . BTW I did the work on Creator . I often do that I find it good practice . Great for the geometric I actually forgot about Stroke on the Shapes . Which actually does not seem to be a problem on watches like the stroke on TEXT.

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I’m not sure what the themes do-- I need to play around a bit. As a test I published a face titled “CIA 1”. It is a blank face with a black circle. No hands, no functional features…nothing. I just want to see if it is also a premium face.

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You can always share a link to your watchface here. Open it for inspection.
If you do that I guarantee the anwer will be found.
If we don’t see it we cannot spot the problem.

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Copy this link . Paste it and carefully strip it a bit .


@dbradley1129 Your Face is not premium .

This is premium.

Awesome. Thank you, all!

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To create a premium watch face, your design must include premium features such as Customisable complications, Interactions, or Programmables. When you publish your watch face, check the “Publish options” section. This will indicate if a watch is available to Facer Premium users only.


Thanks for all the support. Again I am experiencing the same issue. Just published a face:David - Tyrell 1 ROUND - watch face for Apple Watch, Samsung Gear S3, Huawei Watch, and more - Facer (inspector mode is open).
The only components are shapes, digital time, date, numbers, ticks, and image… yet it is showing as a premium face.
The Publish Options box only showed buttons for “Enable inspector mode”.
What am I doing to make this a Premium face?

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That face has not gone out Premium .

This is what it would look like .

Sweet! Perhaps it’s my vision prescription. Thanks, Rusty!


So I bought PRO for a trial for $6 and I’m disappointed, if not pissed off for the money I wasted. I bought it because of the ability to change themes and colors. And are you seriously telling me that you can only get this shit for money? The performance feature is not even suitable for free.

  1. Changing the color of the battery progress bar doesn’t work, it always stays white even though it offers the option to set a theme.
  2. I would expect that if it were for money, that I would preset the layers with my own colors and then just throw it in the park and be able to choose only between them. So what I mark with a brush, I color it with one preset color in Facer and it will screw up the different shades of one color, unifying it into one. Which then completely screws up the appearance of the watch face. Facer should think about this feature if it is at all suitable for the PRO version. It is unusable even for the classic version. :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :rage: