I cheated, instead of doing all the math, I made pictures of the text and added them to the moon phase icon.

First Quarter

Full Moon

Last Quarter

New Moon

Waning Crescent

Waning Gibbous

Waxing Crescent

Waxing Gibbous
They are all in white so you’ll have to right click on them and select “open in new tab” or “open in new window” to see them, but I swear they are really there just above the name. It’s just a lot simpler (and faster) to add pictures of words. 
Any idea about the resolution or dimensions of the set icons ?
I tried to add some pictures (190x60 px) instead of icons … but seems that the weather complication resized the pictures.
Many thanks for your help.
From what I’ve seen Facer Creator changes the size of every picture added to it.
Well … for some reasons, it works fine now. The ratio are correct.
What I have done is to delete first all the icons. Then, I uploaded all the pictures.
thanks, silly question maybe, but do i have to right click and download each icon individually? or is therer a folder somewhere i’m missing
When I downloaded them, I had to right click on each one.
Bonjour peux tu me dire comment faire apparaître la lune sur mon écran j ai suivi tes instructions mais je ne vois pas ma moonphase sur ma montre
Hello can you tell me how to make the moon appear on my screen I followed your instructions but I don’t see my moon phase on my watch.
Maybe it’s a new moon today. Either way, you need to show your watchface or a screenshot that shows which field of the formula and for which object.
Hello Could I use these weather images? I’m newbie and I can’t make pictures like that…
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Hello Could I use these weather images? I’m newbie and I can’t make pictures like that…
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Could I use these weather images? I’m newbie and I can’t make pictures like that…
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If stuff is posted as a Resource it is Free to Download . Well done finding these . Keep Hunting . Some times People show us picture of their stunning Face Developments we do not copy those just out of good manners .
Just try give @smythius credit in your Publication Description .
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OK. Got it friend…it’s just that I was looking for these images for a while because I can’t do it but, I understood your messages…do you think I should delete the request?
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No do not delete your Message . It will help others to understand how open this Community is .
Feel free to use the images my friend
Hi friend, Sorry for the abuse but I couldn’t open the levels icon. Could you please help me? Thank you very much in advance!
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There is a blank line just under each picture name then the picture is there. You have to just mouse over barely above the word to get the picture.
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but there is no white line below the battery charge…
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I don’t know what you are talking about, so I won’t be able to help you.