Comments, remarks and ameliorations are welcome.
Looks ok to me, quite a “safe” style, maybe turn the colour contrast down a little
Thanks for your remarks
The next one!!
Comments, remarks and ameliorations are welcome.
Today’s new design, a nice design an just the essential info
Comments, remarks and ameliorations are welcome.
New today, as always are comments, ameliorations and comments welcome
Very nice, i love even the DAO better, because of arguments of contrast. Nice depth.
My favorite. Because of the beautiful foreground picture, with these nice curves. Very good color scheme. I would bring this balls for hour and minutes into a movement in the hole. I can help you with that, if you want it.
thanks, curious how you would do this
Okay, for that you need me to send that picture with the curves, in PNG format, so I can let the movements make more 3D.
At the moment on the road… Will send you the file @ your private mal as I’am back home.
got your png. I let you know something.
So, i made you a alternative for using a rotating ball (actual a sphere), for now, just on the left side, to check if this one is okay.
What did i do?
- i imported your PNG format as a image plane in BLENDER
- where i meshed up a sphere, gave it a random picture of mine
- set up the camera, light (fixed), so we have a nice shadow effect too
- then added keyframes for the short animation of 48 fps at different frames, i changed and registered the position of the sphere, rotated it. It is an animation going fourth and back. Output 48 images of animation.
- then i exported 48 images in Hires and imported them in Facer. From 1 to 24 images in the first sequence, then the rest (the movement back to the original start position (= image 1)), in the other sequence. Set the animation time on 1 sec, at waking up the face.
- to time them well and consequently, i added a formula in the field x, so you have an animation from 0-6 seconds in total. Of course that can be prolonged.
- you can still add the things later on you used in your face, like hour and minutes display, under the 2 elements, sequences.
So, what do you think. If okay, i do the other side…
This is the animated face. Inspection should be on.
Crazy what yo did… I was definitely not able to make it like this.
Great work and as always Masterclass!
If I could , I would make the ball a bit slower and a bit bigger.
Thx. I’ll check you later on your requested adaptions. Depending on your next answers…
Certainly size is no problem. Easy. Slowing down, probably means more images and you know F limits sadly each sequence to 24/25 images, so more sequences and images, and adaption on the formula’s in the field X for each one of them, because the timing needs to be exactly right to have no hick-ups during the full animation. But perhaps there is another solution with time stretching… Need to research that a little more…
I would choose for that, but i let you be the judge…
In the meantime, i got you another version. Where i inserted sequences for the background. You know, i wrote, we can create the shadow of the sphere running around. So this version is all about that. I added 2 extra sequences for the BG. Same concept, one for each 24 images, from L to R and vice versa.
Of course, i still want the slow down, because the shadow needs to be aligned. you need there equal sequences, images and adaptions formula…
Let me know, what you want…
Animation, is hard work, i know, but it is worth it and i would advice anyone to have a deep look at Blender. Steep but it is worth all the pain, because of the joy, which comes later…
I took the option of the digits in account for the coming designs.
At the moment not sure if I let blink the digits or the sphere
Sure thing, it is your face we are making. So, i guess you want the shadow on the background animation too. I will finish the face - doing both sides of rolling spheres, together in 48 PNG images (makes it a little slower) for the sphere rolling animation (left rolling ball and on the right side, also the same rolling ball (but rotating differently). I made the rolling ball, sphere, a little bigger at the start of the animation, and at the end a little smaller, so that the impression is, it is rolling in the back of your beautiful background. Which adds some 3d feeling.
I will zip these PNG images for each sequence.
So, summarizing
- 2x24 png IMAGES for the roll animation, with formula in the x field. You need that to coordinate these sequences for the rolling spheres.
- 2x24 png IMAGES for the background + moving shadow animation (adapted to the first)
Then you can add under the roll animation sequences, your stuff.
Are you okay with that plan of execution? If not, let me know.
This is my first approach for the animation of the background
Lovely lighting.
Please answer my question in previous mail
Are you okay with that plan of execution? If not, let me know.
If you don’t want the zip files let me know…