Need this - SHOW YOUR HUMOR!

so I was eating KFC one day, and thought, hmmmm…

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done and dusted

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as I say, I typically create these for myself, and try to keep it as simple as possible, I personally find complications clutter or distract. but if you do wish to sync one of my watches, I’ll be happy to make a copy and at least add a battery level, I just need to read up to find out how to do a relatively discreet one.

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Please Look at some of my work . For me it is important that it is discreet .
Let me know if you want a Hand.


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fascinating, I liked the idea of the jubille one, but I couldn’t figure out how to see the coin, when every time I looked at my watch, I could only see the digital display with the battery level. but I do like the fact you can design and assign the functionality of the battery levels, I’ll have to attempt to utilise some sort of dial, although for my fairly odd parents one, a wand at the bottom with a colour percentage on it would be ideal, definitely need to employ your help with that one. over all very cool ways of displaying battery percentage for sure.


With the coil one you should see the coin when the face is level. If you look at a preview of the Face on the Phone App it behaves properly. Tell me agai what watch you use.
I will be happy to help you with any aspecyt of the Basic stuff . I know a bit but the Advanved Coding is Beyond me but I can rework the code of others.

oh that’s very clever with the coin, I was looking at it in bed, so of course I was always seeing the percentage screen. I’ve been messing around with my Fairies watch face, so now it has a dim mode, and the wands stars glow. I thought if I added a wand that drained of colour at the bottom, for the battery percentage, that might work well.


So you mean the orange one. Basicaly you need two images moving the same. One is Dark.Battery finished. So just put #BLN# in the opacity box of the upper one. See what happens . Like opacity the battery data is from 0 to 100.

so I thought I’d just try altering the 6 at the bottom, put a grey 6 and a coloured 6 on top with that #BLN# but I didn’t seem to change it. currently saved, if you want to have a look.

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Sorry we are visiting family. I will be on my Tablet Later. You know where the Watch Battery Slider / Simulator is on Creator?

It woks prepectly on thr previw. If you run the time machine Dead Quick you will see it flip to Pink at Midnight and fade to grey over the course of the Day. Some other things sim like that on the Apps. Steps Heart Rate Compass Weather.

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ahh I’ll catch you up on this later, spend time with the fam!
can’t say I know where the slider simulator is

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In Creator on the Top Right of the Window you will see a Few Icons. Go for the one that looks a bit like a Watch. That opens a Pop up that will keep you busy for a Week.

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WooT, changed it so the minute hand fades out, as if the light has gone out. many thanks!

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We could go on for days. Finaly do the same for the hrs and the Mins. I dont think they have to go quite so dark. But yes when the Battery Runs out the Lights Go. Very nice.

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at one point, I decided I loved grilled sandwiches so much, I needed a watch face of one.

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back in the early days, playing with animation and following basic recipe functions

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To try get rid of the jump in Jim’s Shoulders I doubled up on the sequences and revered the loop on one . Sadly the jump is in the Gif. I have smoothed out some gifs with this trick . I find if I am trying to sync Multiple Sequences use the Wake timer . As you know we can not use Opacity on Sequences so two bits of code in the X Box send them off stage when they are not needed.
Please Excuse me Meddling I thought you might be interested . Love the shouty Numerals .



smooth mate

I go you one better, I deleted the first frame LOL
this was just me messing around, and I wasn’t overly fussed with it. but I fixed the jumping shoulders :slight_smile:


No . I know what you were doing . It is of no consequence what so ever . I was just using it as an excuse to show off . People often ask about stinging gif s together .

oh for sure, I was attempting all your fancy work, when I realised there was only one frame out of place, much appreciated.

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