NEW: Now we have a tag for UV index!

I’ve never seen this before, I don’t know if I was blind or it’s new:

slider for UV:


OK, so if we have slider do we have tag for UV index??

I’ve looked here but I don’t see the UV tag.


I would have a look if I had Internet . Looks like you are on Beta Beta . Is it an Apple Template ?

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Looks like it is new.
The tag is #WUVI#, but only available in BETA.


Thanks Tom . I wonder where they announce the Addition of these things . You would think as a Beta Tester you might get a notification to encourage you to test the new stuff for them .
I did not realise some tags only showed on Beta . Presumably it is not Documented .



where did you find it? Is there some new list of tags?

No, Android template.


Yes, it works.

to show round number (1,2,3…12) use:



In a Text box if you Type # it starts to show you the list in Creator so if you add W it sort of acts a a search .
I can not check the documents at the moment.


I didn’t think of that. Thank you.

Yes, it’s there:


I’ve changed the title of topic to

NEW: Now we have a tag for UV index

I guess more people will like to use the new tag.


I thought this garbage presentation of tags and their description was just garbled on my mobile phone- apparently not from your pasted image! It’s disgraceful that Facer have ignored this for so long! Facer you are abusing a key part of your user base like this! It’s called neglect! Even a 1 man company wouldn’t present something like this - there is no excuse. Come on @Facer_Official this should be an easy fix!


I agree, but don’t forget that Facer is -more or less- free software, so personally I’m grateful that Facer even exist…


Hey Well done . People do not realise that the best Topics are not titled " Help Me Please " .


Is you Tags Documentation like that on your PC ? try Change you Font Zoom . I put that up as a joke . No joke if it is like that on a big screen . Post us a Grab .

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Hi on my Windows PC the list is perfectly ok It’s on my phone where the list is garbled exactly the same as the image you posted.
@masterboyhr I agree that it’s free but even though i don’t see the point it wouldn’t be ok if it was a paid app. If it was a paid app i certainly would not accept such poor quality- that it’s free is no excuse in my opinion. Okay i am grateful Facer exists at all - if it didn’t i wouldn’t have this great hobby, but…


One must not complain about a Free IDE . But . I always sign up to the Beta as some sort of pay Back . I can not remember the Version Number but The Arduino IDE is worth looking at as an example of open Source . The Microbit Makecode is Hosted by Microsoft now and is Amazing . Tinker CAD is a stunning resource . All Web based and Free with Absolutly no Advertising . All allow you to store our work on your own device .
I think Facer do quite well out of it’s Premium Publications .

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@masterboyhr . Oh Yum . I see UV index 0 to 12 with 2 decimal . Great for a smooth Image morphing . I thought the UV index was 0 to 9 . Must do some research . Good old Open Weather . The bring a lot of Data to my watch .


This new tag is going to be really useful for many people the only problem I can see is for those who like everything weather-wise or healthwise on their watches is how to actually fit the UVIndex on their watch! :smiley:

Now if I could have a complication that shows my local rain radar please!


You will want the moon on a Stick Next . UV can just be the colour of the Background Using Peters Perfect Three Colour Mixing Formula and dumping the Magenta ( >=11 ) in as a separate layer Flashing .


Instead of radar, I would be happy with a rain chance percentage like the Galaxy Watch has on their stock faces.


I would rather have the moon on a stick than to have the moon stuck up…anyway, I’ll be happy when the UV tag becomes live for us non-beta folks.