NEW: Now we have a tag for UV index!

É muito lindo amigo…parabéns!!!

So, for me the #WUVI# does not return anythning. The value is blank. I am ready with my watch face, but it seems no luck either with weather station or with watch or with what ever :slight_smile:

@petruuccios If I remember correctly, you only have a Tizen watch and not a WearOS watch. I loaded one of my UV watchfaces onto my Galaxy Watch first generation and it shows UV as 0. On my GW 5 Pro it shows UV as 1 which it’s a sunny day here. I have in that tag UV #WUVI# so it might be forcing the Tizen watch to display “something” even if it is wrong. My GW 1 also hung-up big time and froze as soon as I switched to Facer. I had to switch back to a GW face then back to Facer before it would even work at all.


Yes, I am still using Gear S3 with Tizen It might be the problem, but well,
the tag is not documented yet, whether it is OS restricted or what values it should provide. The preview allows to set decimal numbers between 0 and 12. My watch does not show any, not even the zero. The clamp function makes 1 even from the blank result.

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We still have some warm weather in Croatia (up to 20°C/ 68°F) and sunny days so my watch was showing UV up to 3.

I’ve compared it to other weather channels and it was correct.

petruuccios, nice gauges!