Yes… this is very smooth and nice
I’m delighted with the screen movement
Thank you @sepandar and @christianfernandes38
Not happy with the Blue Text Colour though, I’ll have a play around again with that later.
Maybe the yellow color is good, but check it on the watch so that it can be seen well
Nice one. Wearing it now!
That is Jolly Nice Gizmo :::)))
That is very smooth looking and pretty
I like it! A variant with a dark background where it’s the glass ball that pulsates or glows would look really cool too
I really like it, pleasing indeed, but for me personally a bit too much of color haha. But still appreciate the work and animation
Thanks again, most kind of you to say
Awesome little tinker bell, or at least that’s what it reminds me of
Makes me want to dream, this one. Splendid animations and great atmosphere.
May i suggest something. I love your animations and sometimes i prefer no data on it, because its in the way somehow of the animation, gets too busy for me. But make your own considerations of course. Still, when the animation is so good, so captivating. Why not put all that data on the DAO - dim - side, i always see first the DAO, read the time and then let me captivated by these animations. Separate data from animation. I made some of my faces using thin concept. Just a thought, my friend.
Sounds sensible and logical my friend, however, I never use AOD so it would be a waste for me
Wow, this is well done!!