Scrolling Weather/Location Text

SO I just started to use “swap out” the images provided by the weather conditions element in Facer creator. Before I would use my own but use the very tedious code based way to swap out images. Anyway, I noticed something strange. Each weather condition has an image and the corresponding text based weather conditions of clear sky, thunderstorms, etc, etc, right??. Heres the thing though, as a designer, I want to make sure all the parameters will fit into my allocated textbox. In fact, I think I may even spend way too much time considering this when I do my layouts. So, in the case of a face I just finished, I made sure that “scattered clouds” being the longest, would fit into my text box. However what I see currently on my published face is something completely different, a parameter that is not part of the “9” weather condition parameters that Facer uses. Now my watch face says “light intensity…” and it’s cut off because clearly it doesnt fit in my textbox. My question is…WTF? How are we supposed to make sure everything fits if weather conditions that aren’t listed are just injected into the Facer weather parameters provided?

Have a look for yourself. Maybe I am a dumb newbie and everyone knows about this except me? :smiley:

I think it’s great if we had access to more weather condition parameters, but we should know about it yeah?

currently on my watch:

Just a shot of the watch face in creator showing “scattered clouds”


I have the same issue with the location. For some reason, my location has 2 parts divided by a “/” making it very long (besides it being spelled wrong!):

What you can do is scroll the text. If you need the code for that, let me know.


@kirium0212 @tom.vannes See you Guys are Pushing at the Boundrys. It is very irratating that the Text Weather reports ar so wordy compared to Facers. Some put thier own text into the Icons the make for themselves. But as Tom says Scrolling is really cool and gives another Dimension to a Neat Digital. Could include Temprature etc.

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Yes! I definitely need that! I figured my text box was big enough for most locations…I mean, I knew Taumatawhakatangi­hangakoauauotamatea­turipukakapikimaunga­horonukupokaiwhen­uakitanatahu, New Zealand was gonna be out of luck but I figured everyplace else would be safe!

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yup my next watch is gonna have custom text.

clear sky: It’s sooo blue!
cloudy: “the lyrics to a Morrissey song”
snow: It’s fackin cold!


You’ll need the location / weather text 4 times, and each with a different X position. These are:


Of course you’ll have to put the text in the right layer…

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Hey Tom thanks for that. I have tried scrolling text . I did not realise you need 4 layers. I tried with two and gave it up as a bad job. This Topic has become worth Bookmarking. Perhaps we could change the Title to Scroling Weather Text.
There is a bit of an issue with th changing length of the text.

You might want a 5th one that does not scroll for DIM mode :sunglasses:

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works great dude! thanks! I’ll definitley be using that in the future. I am sure thats a good way to go to scroll a background too! very useful!
However, “no matter how hard I try, they always seem to pull me back in (more layers!)”

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here it is, looks good…just gonna play with the range and speed or it. Thanks again!


title changed.


I tried scroling on a One Layer Chalange. The best Faces have a few Layers / Gears. Ther is no such thing as a Smooth Seconds sweep on aDecent Mechanical watch. It is done with extra gears so the second is devided into a few more ticks.
If you do all the weather Forecasts you are down to 50 odd layers I think. I am surprised how many actually do that. But once you have a Template you will have it forever and only have to change the Icons and position.

Hey @kirium0212 . Well done changing the Topic Title. People will find this easier in a search now and be Delighted .

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Yeah, i dont see doing that for weather, at least not until the weather element is actually accurate and updates often (maybe in the future right?) Definitley not worth the investment of 50 or so layers. I will use it for location though just to give a nice animated feature to a watch.

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Yeah strangly people like to see a Forecast of Today weather ???. I will sync your face later .

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Here is a sample for single layer scroll (thanks to @karinkaiser1967 ):


It would be so nice if we could Justify the text with a CHR LEN count and get rid of the gap. Throw it arround a curve. Oh My someone should start a Toppic on this. Oh You Have. :rofl::slightly_smiling_face:

I’d like that very much! It would be fun and unique.


Can I get a small tutorial or a watch face that is “inspectable”? Please!!?? TIA

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here you go:

check the “INFO” elements. the “INFO S” are the shadows.

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