Is it possible in Creator to easily put time like H/H/M/M instead of HH/MM?
Example: 10h38m → I wanne place the first digit of hour ‘1’ in one place, place ‘0’ in another spot, same for '3’and ‘8’.
It’s possible with covering layers, but maybe there’s a faster way?
Yes. All these things are possible. I will post you something when I get on my Laptop. In the mean time look for Inspectable Faces. All mine Are but I have not done that yet.
To make it a bit easier check the documents there are some tags that separate the digits . I assume there are some for minutes . I will look .
Here is a quick test for you before we go to the shops . I could not find split minutes . There are about 60 ways of doing these things . See if this is any use to you otherwise get back .
I wanna make an own font. I did a quick search on the internet but don’t find quick way to go from self-drawn characters (ex pgn) to a font-file which can be imported.
I suppose there is an app need?
And whiches formats are ok for creator?
No Idea how you managed to take a screenshot with two Tags Highlighted . But I see you are asking about The Magic of Modulus . So basically it divides by the number but only gives you the remainder . So you can do a Modulus on a silly big number like #DNOW# to make something really useful . Give it a GO .
I did try to explain Modulus above . You will see I have added a long hand piece of maths to do the same job . Sometimes it is a good Idea to Play with Tags to see what happens .
Sorry but I can not Help you with Pro stuff . I struggle to achieve an understanding of what I can do On Facer Basic .
I have had a look at cycle . In that case It is use to confine the number generated by Toggling the Variable to 5 . The watch has no way of resetting the Variable when you get to 5 so it is letting you use the reminder when you have 24 taps counted . Of course in that situation Modulus will give you 4 .
This code you have in you opacity Tag for the alternate faces is a little wrong .
It was written for a Positional move .
Could be .
Of course it would have worked but leaves you with little understanding of Why .
Opacity is 0-100 percent screen size is 0-320 px .
You obviously understand Maths so you have half a chance . I am not good at the Long hand because I am not a mathematician . I usually et where I want to Creatively .
I understand that here were start from a handwriting on paper, scan it, etc.
My intention is to work digitally = draw characters in drawing app (Sketchbook I use)
it’s a bit cumbersome.
One has to work with a template of them, a template with markers to draw in; make a picture/ scan later to upload.
I’ll give it a shot by using it as a layer in my drawing app, then merge it on their template and then print it as a pdf. And upload that…