Someone had to do it

I gave ChatGPT the documentation link for Facer and then I asked:

“This is my question: I want to create a realistic shadow for the hour hand, minute hand and seconds hand. How do I do it with calculations and tags?”

and here is what it came up with:

Creating a realistic shadow effect for the hour, minute, and seconds hands in Facer can be achieved using the “rotation” and “opacity” tags in combination with some basic math calculations.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a shadow effect for the watch hands in Facer:

Create a new layer for each watch hand (hour, minute, and second).

Add a shadow image to each hand layer. You can use an image editor like Photoshop or GIMP to create a transparent PNG image of a shadow.

Use the "rotation" tag to rotate the hands based on the current time. For example, the formula for the hour hand would be "360/12*(#Dh#+#Dm#/12)". This formula calculates the rotation angle of the hour hand based on the current hour and minute values.

Use the "opacity" tag to adjust the opacity of the shadow based on the angle of the hand. For example, the formula for the opacity of the hour hand shadow would be "((#Dh#+#Dm#/60)*10-90)/100". This formula calculates the opacity of the shadow based on the angle of the hour hand.

Adjust the position and size of the shadow image to make it look realistic. You can use the "X" and "Y" position tags to move the shadow image in the appropriate direction, and the "W" and "H" tags to adjust the size of the shadow.

By using these formulas and adjusting the position and size of the shadow image, you can create a realistic shadow effect for the watch hands in Facer. I hope this helps!


Funny AI didn’t catch on to the moonagepercent tag thoug. Is this correct?

"To rotate your circular image with two moons in Facer based on the moon age percent, you can use the “rotation” tag and some basic math calculations.

Here’s how you can do it:

Create a new image layer for your circular image with two moons.

Use the "rotation" tag to rotate the image based on the moon age percent. For example, the formula for the rotation of the circular image layer would be "360*(#Dm#/29.53-0.25)".

Adjust the position and size of the image layer as desired.

In the above formula, “#Dm#” represents the current minute of the hour, which is used to calculate the moon age percent based on a lunar cycle of 29.53 days. Subtracting 0.25 from the moon age percent ensures that the full moon is at angle 0.

You may need to adjust the formula slightly to get the exact rotation you want depending on the position of the moons in your image, but this should give you a good starting point"


I will have to check those . For the Moon I would think #Dm# was supposed to be #DM# . The Idea of adjusting the shadow of the Hands During Rotation is inspired . I am not certain if all the syntax is correct . All in all a very impressive exercise . I did not realise you could direct GPT to documentation . Well Done great Fun .

I got an email inviting me to Play with BRAD . .

Also This is a picture that GPT created for itself using DALL-E by all accounts.

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I think it is amazing that GPT got any where near a tag that would work at all . Most of this just needs tweaking to get it to work properly .


The shadow idea would be pretty neat to implement with a lot of different analog movements! Although to be appreciated I think the hands may need to be large enough to make the effect discernible on a face. The thought that came to mind was a sunrise to sunset arc with a sun to provide a shadow for the hands :slight_smile:


I had to tell GPT to wrap tags in ()s. Someone on the forums already figured out the shadow hands thing, I use it in this face (and a couple of others):

I just wanted to see if ChatGPT could come up with it just like that.


It is going to do things differently as it obviously does not recognise the in house Rotational Tags. As Zieneth sad it is very inspirational.

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It certainly takes the fun out of being creative. There is a huge issue with copyrights and AI using artists’ original work. Shame on Google - and shame on the people who use AI images at Facer claiming that the work is theirs.


ChatGTP doesn’t image search at all, it is not allowed. I just figured it could help with the formulas. I’ve been testing it and it is a bit of hit and miss with getting the right answers.

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Is DALL-E different from using an App like FFFUEL .

An expert will always find gaps in the AI’s Response . It is on a learning Curve . Check it in a few years / weeks .

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We’re all doomed. Still pretty cool though.


No need for you pretty soon, lol

I really hope chatGPT doesn’t become more active and helpful than you have always been my friend. :grinning:


Ha Ha . Thanks Sir . Just Having Fun here and there .

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Russel, you keep mentioning Marvin, the Facer bot. Maybe you are Marvin! :sunglasses:

One day I’ll travel up north to find out… just kidding. Always been a great help Russel - AI can’t be that advance yet…


No No . I don’t want to be Marvin !!! Too much Hanging About . I think we might have found him a Girlfriend . The Slightly Stoned GPT looks very Suitable to me .


I’ll definitely use this formula AI gave me:


The image needs to be like this:


Beautiful Image. Must check the Formula.

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Sadly there is a little over run After midnight . .
Oh I see it is trying to include SR SS . I thought it looks a bit complex . I do not understand the current time being calculated to the nearest second . Since there are no tags for the SR SS seconds MissGPT has left them out . So it should start off centre but I think High noon is more or less right .

Can it design an original for APPLE watch with complications? (Wallpaper type doesn’t count.)

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