Top Free Charts

I managed to get one of my watchfaces into the top free chart - when I noticed it was at the 40th position, 2 hours later 55th and a couple of hours later gone altogether! It seems that if you blink you can miss it! To get into the chart it seems that you have to produce a good looking watchface that someone wants to download (obviously) but it’s your followers that keep you there as they are the ones most likely to see it. In my case I have a limited number of followers (10’s) who saw my watchface, downloaded it and it sneaked into the chart. A designer with thousands of followers has a better chance of being seen and getting into and staying in the chart simply because of the numbers.

If you are a beginner or perhaps more than just a beginner, then you shouldn’t treat the charts as anything important, rather, produce good work and get more followers- that way success will surely follow…

Opinions anybody?


You are pretty much on the mark there. I never charted until Facer picked a couple of my watchfaces to be featured in the app in the Big & Bold, OLED Friendly and other classifications. You can find those by scrolling down in the phone app. After being highlighted there, I started gaining followers which helped me get into the Top 100. Right now, I have 8,371 followers and have had 303 watchfaces to reach either the top free or occasionally the top premium lists. Followers are key.


I think you managed to publish close to the very moment when the charts partially reset each week and gained first syncs. Later the direct exposure in new faces became covered with flood of other new faces and you could rely only on smaller base of people who may want to try your face later on, to keep up with other publishers, who may have syncs growing faster or for longer time.


If you have 25 syncs and a good number of likes, your watch face will be in the charts.
After that is depends on how quickly the watch faces gets more syncs to climb to the top.

For Apple watch faces it takes less to make the charts.

But your watch face can also make it back into the charts. For example, my year old Halloween watch face had a revival.

I also figured it best to publish in the afternoon between 5-7 GMT. Other hours did not work for me anyway…

This all just my experience, not based on any facts…


@BIELITZ Was it 87 ? Shame that should have held up nicely it is a good Piece of Work . If you have the draft original Send it out again as a fresh Publication . Some times the Sunday Clear out is not the best time to Publish . You will see that a lot of the partners faces go out on Wednesday .


Yes it was BLZ-87 - I’ll make a small change and publish on Wednesday (California time?) and see what happens
Thanks for the hint…


According to Facer I have 4.9K followers and my most popular watch face has 12.7K syncs. Those syncs were garnered over a long time. To the best of my knowledge, I’ve never made it onto any charts. In the beginning, a few of my faces were featured, but now Facer has outgrown me. I do get lots of compliments in the comments plus I get to enjoy making and wearing my faces. But I have no delusions of stardom.


yeah it’s rough. i’ve had the same thing and i have almost 150k followers. while they help, they don’t download all of your work as soon as you upload it, or at all sometimes. i guess you gotta just make good stuff. it may get picked up and featured, it may make the top 10, that’ll lead to more followers and hopefully more placements in the top 100. I’ve made what I think is a great face and it’ll place at like 95, then its gone the next day. people’s tastes constantly change and it’s tough to chart.


That is the absolute truth!


Hi all. I’ve only been designing since January this year. I started with 0 followers and I now have 2,462 followers and 732 designs published with over 159,000 syncs. That’s an average of 217,29 syncs per design. It wasn’t always like that. I publish around 3-4 per day. I currently have a number 1 spot in the top 100 free designs. I normally have between 6-12 up in the top 100. It is all based on numbers. The more designs you make and publish, the greater every other metric increases. I mix it up a lot between, digital, analogue, hybrid, animated, etc etc. I now have a fairly good idea what the people like. I have this community to thank for everything that I have learned, and still learning.


Jolly well done . I am surprised you have not been offered a partnership .


You have over taken me in any case, but I must say you publish a lot more and more regulatily than me. Some of your work inspires me to come up with my interpretations.

I have taken a step back and only publish watch faces that apeal to me. But mainly because I am setting my own expectations higher and higher.


I used to do that, but I noticed my subscriber numbers were dropping. Once I went to one watchface per day they started going up again and have kept it up. I now have 8,374 subscribers and 534,817 total syncs over 2,970 watchfaces.


I am more impressed with those watch faces that have been in the charts for month.
@Zieneth: would be interesting to know how many syncs your watch face has by now. It has been in the charts for 9 month!:


I love the Way Aaron slips down the Charts then Bob’s up again like the Tide .


Aaron currently has 27,273. I guess it’s one of those that seems to fit varying styles. Who knew? I certainly did not :grinning:


Fantastic . I love the Way it Bobs up and down the Charts . Good Job .


Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


Mr @Zieneth . Your Aaron has almoust as many Syncs as my 357 faces over 4 years . I call that a Hit . Jolly well done .


Numbers that make me dream… I’am already happy with 30 syncs for a new watch…
In my case the stated mumbers are are an illusion…
I suppose my designs are then not good enough.