This resource is more to bump the idea from earlier, if somebody wanted to experiment some more. I was not successful with measurements to prove the point, also there was some minor alignment trouble, but still I like how some shapes went, even in grid restricted space for making custom fonts online.
Sadly I get Aliasing on the seconds hand on my GW5 Pro using the Face above . It shows at 12 , 3
, 6 and 9 .I will do a test without the Stroke tomorrow .
Pleas excuse me . Ther is no Aliasing if I get rid of the stupid stroke .
Thanks for update, but it seems the watch has hard time to work the font right. I was hoping it was the other way, but it seems the watch can not antialias the font properly.
I just do not know who to blame…
Maybe me for trying to smuggle in something unexpected
If you always do what you have always done you will always get what you always got
Nothing wrong with a bit of smuggling!
The second hand is fine but I have absolutly no Idea why I can not take a decent picture of this one . Not enough to pull focus on I suppose .
Okay looking good- but what are the advantages of using a font instead of images?
Blame me my friend, I can take it
The idea was, since Facer (and other tools too) works with some canvas resolution different from real resolution of inserted images and different from native resolution of watches, the displayed image might loose some sharpness or has to be somewhat oversized which loads storage and memory capacity. Vector image should be compact solution to both, size and sharpness. Since Facer nor WFS support vector images, other vector source would be font. But it seems to shatter on the watch, be it its graphic SW or HW, and result is not properly antialiased.
The resolution issue I think you mention here comes up for me often.
Specifically, I make a new component or modify a component in graphics software that says the dimensions of the image are so many pixels x and y. Importing these into Facer I see that Facer believes the dimensions of these images are usually reported as half of what my graphics software reports.
Easy enough to deal with, so I just ignore it an soldier on.
Weirdly though, the old text only face challenge of 3 years ago or so seemed to have faces that worked quite well with basic hands made of stacked letter I for plain, straight hands that used X/Y/rotate.
I was wondering if the issue could be scale/proportion as the fonts seem to be tall and thin so either global with 0 spacing or mono with width of widest.
I was wondering what might happen on a mono font that had a width the same as total height and the hand centred in the same way that when making them in an art package using a square canvas makes manual rescaling less mathy in designer.
I was going to have a crack on a second hand but FonStruct noob here and I think I need to learn filters to make circles bigger than 4x4.