Yet another watchface WIP

I see! I could try doing that.

Also, a fan of NFSU2, are you? :eyes:


Haha you recognized my selection. Its just one nostalgic moment reminded me by another nostalgic moment. I do not play such intensive games for years. I have facer pro now (2 weeks remaining) :slight_smile:


Thatā€™s a great topic.
Iā€™m a fan of the dark classic view.
Iā€™m curious how it ends.


There was another thread where making an equalizer came up. Check here

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YES!! Briliant! So cool and visually appealing.


You could put a step counter with a treadmill :smile:

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Amigo Ć© possĆ­vel usar esse estilo para a carga da bateria?
E, caso seja posso usar o modelo a cima?
Com a progressĆ£o das cores de verde a vermelho?

Friend is it possible to use this style for battery charge?
And if so, can I use the template above?
With the color progression from green to red?

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In the examples I made the bars to move according to the pulse, but mostly trough the whole range and in discrete increments of 1/10 of the range. If you want to just use the range same way for battery charge without pulsating, then the fill ratio would be like (floor(#BLN#/10)/10), or (ceil(#BLN#/10)/10), depending on whether you want the last bit disappear at 10% or at 0%.


Eu gostaria de que com o descarregar a bateria o Ć­cone superior desaparecesse.
Seria possĆ­vel fazer com que um lado marcasse a carga do celular e o outro lado a carga do telefone?
Perdoe se eu estiver sendo abusivo.

I would like the top icon to disappear when the battery is discharged.
Would it be possible to have one side mark the cell charge and the other side the phone charge? Forgive me if Iā€™m being abusive.

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Nice, Is this a Winamp skin?

Yes, one of many I collected back when Winamp was popular.
Not all were that good


Canā€™t seem to find this skin anywhere. :roll_eyes: the ā€œThe Mandalorianā€ one

Mandalorian was the music in the playlist :slight_smile:

:grinning: Oh, the nostalgia!

Do you know the name of that skin then?

its on the screenshot Media_Player_11_v_GIN
or if you mean the earlier one that was Nucleo_NLog

Talking about this one


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I added link above

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Thank you kindly!! :+1: :+1:

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Iā€™ve been using this skin for Winamp since 2003 and still us it today

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