#ZMANU# Case Sensitivity Debate

This is to Fuel the Debate about the case sensitivity oft this Tag . If it its to be used in a conditional has to be specific . In this case it worked when I used Google for Pixel Watches and samsung
for theirs .
I know Fossil is as shown .
I found that if I published a test with the Watch in question as the Display Watch when Viewed on the Web Pages not the Apps shows the Manufacturer correctly .

I wonder if anyone its interested in others that have been tested .
A list Might be useful .


This is the Published Version with Interesting Comments.
I note at the same time I was testing there is no way to Manipulate a Complication . I am wondering masking it and showing something else might be a Thing . WIP .


We just require a simple function toUpper() and toLower() and then no more guesswork required.

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Will that work if it is Google ? Upper and Lower .

If we had a upper or lower function then your code would be $toUpper(#ZMANU#)=GOOGLE?100:0$
No need to have to test for all possible variations i.e. Google, google, GOOGLE

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No the #ZMANU# name for Pixel watches is " Google " I have tested it See above .

No need for the uppercase if thats the case. There are so many different devices with android hopefully the ZMANU is consistent across devices as the test in facer code is case sensitive.

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The point is if you want to use it in a Conditional it has to be correct I did a test with Fossil as well . Only Fossil is True .

I was more worried that the tag ZMANU might return different results for different devices. E.g. Samsung Watch 4 may return SAMSUNG, but Watch 5 might return Samsung. In reality i dont think this would happen, but that is why i prefer functions that allow me to control the case so i dont have to worry about case sensitivity

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Yes I see that .