Easy dial makers

So. I have a couple I have made but keep thinking I must be re-inventing the wheel so if other folks have ideas that are easy and free I’d love to see.

For rotating fonts I have a facer template but have to go through each number to set the font, size, X, Y. Just set the time machine to hour 12 to start.

I was thinking that for uprights this would be instant, aside from the cleanup, but surely there are already methods.


Just click then right click on a number in the chart and select Font to change. Right click on the white to Save as Picture.


This is brilliant. And there I was installing Illustrator and unavailingly trying to get any sense of it, heh. Thanks for sharing, this is very cool!


…and here is one REALLY easy -Gauge Generator


That’s what I have been looking for. I did say I was reinventing the wheel but it never came up in searches and I’m usually the one that can find anything.

Start with the basic clock template and… was his name, Oh!


I bookmarked it earlier :laughing: luckily.
I haven’t used it much as I use Inkscape and paint.net for all my dials


Such a doddle to use once you have a few templates, and the starter ones make it easy to see what’s going on.
10 minutes in and I have a 12h dial template where you just change font, size and orientation. That and a very basic battery guage:
It’s a bit quirky with resetting range min when you change range max.
Only other thing is the font field is plain text not dropdown so you need another program to copy the machine font name from.

Oh, you can set the background, called foreground, to transparent. I just left it black for the forum.
The range centre point cannot be set to transparent so still needs removal after export but the result will be cleaner than removing an opaque background after the fact.
Shame the labels can’t be curved around but that’s world on a stick territory.


This cleanup is killing it for me. I made me a donut chart template, where I can set the number of ticks up to 60, adjust their angular width, Inner diameter, play with the 3D effect, but when it comes to export, it is a mess.

In exporting is much better Powerpoint, which allows me to just right click element and save as image, centered, without background etc…


Topic Bookmarked . Thanks Guys .


Image ticks are easy, assuming you are any good at making or finding a nice image Even I can do the bit below, not so much the initial images).
Draw your single tick image.
Open WFS.
Add an index.
Choose your image, set your ranges and rotation

Resize and re-centre

Save and open the project in an archive tool (or rename .zip)

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