Fresh Faces Page Swamped

I’ll always be in favor of (free) partner designs not hitting the free charts.

But yeah that weird notification thing just seems like a glitch. The ones that were screenshot above are certainly more prolific than I am, but I highly doubt any of them are doing that on purpose.

I like to check the free chart from time to time to see what everybody is up to. There is some great work out there, nice job everybody!!

  • Nathan

:sunglasses: :popcorn: :popcorn: :fries: :hamburger: :beer: :pie: :champagne:
prepared for the new series " The partners Resurrection" :astonished:
:popcorn: :beer: :popcorn:


Hey guys, that looks like a bug of some sort. From memory that test face of mine was only published once so it should have only generated one notification. I hope that was an isolated incident and does not happen every time I publish a face. I would hate to think that followers are getting more than one notification - that would be a sure way to lose followers!

Has anyone noticed if the multiple notifications only occur on free faces or are people getting them for paid/premium faces as well?


@mikeoday It has actually been going on for a while now . I will check what you are asking but i think it is anything from your Studio . I blame MARVIN myself but I have to say laying the issue on the table here is more likely to get some reaction . Although I know MARVIN does not turn up here .

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Thanks for checking - I’d love to know.

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That’s pretty naive. I have no problem seeing you guys in the freebie charts. Maybe just don’t flood them, especially with just garbage versions of your own premium faces? With many times the subscribers of a non-partner, its not really a fair contest. As I understand it, a face can only be in the charts during the first 30 days of its life, right? So when we see a face and think, hmmmm, I’ve seen that one before, its a bit of a red flag for shenanigans. Take a look at #39 in the freebie charts. Its a face from BA.

It is just a copy of a really old premium one, with all the features removed (but no change to the look of the face itself) so that it can be given away.

Its nothing more than an ad for the premium version. Once its served its 30 days, he’ll probably delete it, and then in a couple of months, we’ll see another new watch appear that looks identical (because it is).

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I don’t know the answer to this either. I suspect its only the free ones. But it isn’t for all partners. For instance, I never get duplicates from B#.
Appreciate your input from your own perspective.


Agreed. She takes a lot of flack on behalf of Facer. :+1: :+1: :+1:


Hmmm, those multiple notifications really seem to be a glitch.

Please note that the partner designers have no influence on these notifications. I think it‘s an automated process that ran out of control because of a bug.

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MARVIN still unwell . Not sure if his condition is Treatable .

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I’ve been getting that kind of notifications since I joined Facer. I think it’s because the person’s phone doesn’t react quick enough to show them, they have liked it and click it again and again.


That happens to me also. I’ve noticed at the bottom of all published watch faces are faces that are labeled “Other faces by this designer”. The screen capture is of my watch face for today. It is showing a more recent group, but I’ve seen some that were from up to a year ago show up randomly.

I don’t know why Edge Browser’s web capture add on put the Facer page header 1/4 way down the page in the capture…must have been because of the MARVIN character @russellcresser keeps talking about. :laughing:


Color me naive. I have no idea what happens on Sundays or during 30 days of life, but I always thought the charts are an automated process. I don’t check the day of the week to publish. My free Apple for February was published a while back, and my free WearOS for February will be published whenever it’s ready.


You’re taking the brunt, but you’re not the problem and I thank you for being one of the good ones. :smiley:

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Sorry to say it @mikeoday , but I get this multiple notifications everytime I get notified about your face. Can not remember now, if I get always notified when you publish new face (maybe depending on it being premium or not), as I can not see older notifications. Last notification I received was multiplied 4days ago with the removed test face. I do not follow any other partners because of this glitch :blush: (B# publishes on the forum).


For whomever wants to know how that watch really looks:





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Oh man, talk about your “Steam Punk” watch face! :laughing:

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Hey everyone, i haven’t gotten those notifications from anyone, but Facer is now aware. I wouldn’t unfollow anyone for it, I don’t think they have any control over it. Unless you see someone posting Vers 1, Vers 2, vers 3, etc. with minor variations, then theyre doing it on purpose.

@richiebee I don’t think partners are flooding the charts with “garbage versions” of their premium faces. If they were garbage, they wouldn’t hit the chart at all. You may be right in that free faces act as sort of ads for the premium version though, but nothing really wrong with that.

Maybe the charts should be separated differently. Instead of just Free and Premium, maybe they could add a Partner Freebies chart or something.

I don’t know what the answer is, but it’s tough to please all of the people, all of the time. At least we’ve got what we’ve got and it’s pretty good. And Facer DOES listen. But you’re not alone, partners are constantly working/requesting to add/refine features, but it takes a while to implement major changes on a platform this large (I’d imagine).

BTW, you know some of you guys are on OUR charts too right? lol. I know you get upset if your face gets pushed down the list due to partner faces, but I’d imagine partners might feel the same way if their face got pushed down the list by one of yours.

So maybe the charts should be, Free, Premium, Free Premium and Premium Free lol. Like I said, I dunno, just trying to work the problem.


@ThaMattie Is that a Shot of a Watch you own . Incredible .