Fresh Faces Page Swamped


It looks like Frankie has a little indigestion going on there! :laughing:


Just trying to lighten the tone in this thread my friend :wink:



It is usualy 5. Some of the Partners only get 1. I guess it is down to them to poke Marvin.


it happens always when partners pubblish free faces , pro faces has only one notify , i was an almarinov follower since he doesnā€™t free faces but now unfolowed him to , simple and easy :wink:


Same here. Shame too because I love Almarinovā€™s faces. :smiley:


Almarinov does great Faces :100:
And people should keep their nasty, abusive comments to themselves, how rude and downright disrespectful certain people are nowadays :angry:


Leave me alone please, and no, you werenā€™t agreeing with me about adblockers, Iā€™ve never used them. Please go away, wash your mouth out, and grow up little Ms. Nasty




You certainly have a right to voice your opinion? Or whatever that was.


So this is STILL a thing then. Bye bye Michael.

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Iā€™m guessing that this may be happening with free faces if the designer sees something that needs to be fixed, so he fixes the item and republishes. I would prefer to have a design that works well as I overlook multiple notifications.

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Shame . only a test as well and it has been withdrawn . What we call in the Low Countries " A waste of space ".

I just had a crazy thought on this. I see on my page people will follow me and I will get anywhere between 1 and 6 notices of that follow. I wonder if that is the source of the notices. It would make sense if there was a glitch when you follow someone, and it multiplies it so that you are following them multiple times, so you get multiple notices when they post something. This is the only duplicate I have right now in my notices and itā€™s someone liking the same watch face twice in a row. Iā€™ve always thought it was the app not reacting quick enough and they hit the button twice or more trying to force it to work.


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I think the Like confirmation is confusing. Sometimes you get a red Heart. Some times it is a Red heart already. And you get an empty one For confirmation. I get some double up sometimes but there is no pattern.

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But its always 5 times. It seems that would be just too coincidental. Always a partner, and always five repetitions. Not sure if its only free faces.

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I understand that this problem is not understood.
I think that @mikeoday is conducting a test to see what is going on. He keeps putting up and taking down a test. As I understand it the Partners Faces are published by Little Labs not themselves.
Shame to switch off a Follow but it is getting a bit silly. I look forward to seeing the likes I get for my Meagre Efforts.

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I re-read your likes comment, and I agree with what you say. I think its unrelated to the thing weā€™re seeing with the partners. You could be right about Mike Oā€™Day, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s typically the case.


Michael Oā€™Day was obviously testing a Face out, because itā€™s called Test only and each notification was received at different times. I do that sometimes: I publish a Face, then after I sync it I donā€™t like something, so I edit, republish, and if itā€™s still not right Iā€™ll keep editing until it is.
Itā€™s all those multiple notifications of the same thing at the same time from the same person that I donā€™t understand.