Please Help me with questions about clock hands

hello friends .
please help me about the clock hands . how I can create in which software.
I create too many in Adobe Illustrator. but not work in facer.properly


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This template is very useful. You can also search resources section for free hands you can download and use as templates.


@shaheran2020 . You have to try tell us what is not working about the Hands you are making . You must post some pictures of what you are talking about or we can only guess . I draw all my resources on a Square Template , and for practical purposes 720 x 720 px s quite good enough resolution for our watches . These images can be posted here with a Transparent background and we can check and see what the issue might be . Creators 320 x 320 is a nominal Resolution for the Web Pages . I often move stuff 0.5 pixel . If you take a screen grab of your work you will see that it is saved at 960 x 960 . I used to make my resources 2400 x 2400 . Since discovered that uses up memory and looks no different to 1/4 of that . It is more about the Anti Aliasing what it looks like .


Just for a better understanding. Your watch hand is moving around a defined center point.
So to make it easy I always draw my hands in a transparent square box.


I’ve used this template before on photoshop with no problem. Unfortunately, I had to update my MacBook for work recently and I am unable to use the version of photoshop I was using. Do you know of any free alternatives in which I would be able to use this template?


I use android tablet for my watch face creation.

Search for software in the community and you will find lots of alternatives.


Gimp is definitely an alternative

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For starters your images do not have thier pivot points in the right place . Sorry but I can not Imagine where it should be on the first image .
You need to work to a Centre point or a Grid .
I used this positioning grid in Sketchbook Pro to position the hands so the pivot point is in the Centre of the whole image . I always work with a Square template . It makes more sense to me sizing in Creator . I always post stuff on here at 720X720 these days . Thanks to my Friend Gizmo . The transparent background of the PNG is preserved in that case .
I also used the app to remove the backgrounds off you images . I am not sure what you want to do with the spinner . Let me know .
You are Welcome.

My problem is pivot point . I am I set it to the right place i.e. center. But even fail. I Photoshop. Coral draw. Alostat And also tried on Infanti. But could not. If possible make a short video on it

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We can not post Movie here . I am certain you will find a Tutorial for PS on the Net .
Did you even try the Template I posted . Open that First then Add your hand image . Move and rotate the Hand image till the pivot is in the centre . Switch off the Template and save the image with that size Frame Transparent .
It might help to make the hand a bit transparent while you move it around so you can see the template through it .
We have to spend some time getting Familiar with the packages we use to make nice stuff for our faces . I reckon it is about 1000 hours before we can make nice stuff .

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Hope this helps in making your clock hand pivot point.
Here I use Adobe Firework CS6. You can use other drawing applications as long as they have the ability to create vector images.

First, create a new image file with a transparent background and a canvas size of 640 X 640 pixels (in my experience, this size is just right when imported into Facer Project).

Second, make a circle or ellipse the size of the diameter of the clock hand you are going to make (see orange picture). Then make sure or arrange the circle or ellipse with the horizontal and vertical midpoints aligned.

Third, align the needle image that you have made with the orange circle (see image 2).

Fourth, export this entire image file with a size of 640X640 pixels. Previously, hide the orange circle first before exporting the image as a transparent PNG file.
Then import it into your Facer Project as an Image of your clock hand.


Thanks, A lot .

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