Please Help me with questions about clock hands

hello friends .
please help me about the clock hands . how I can create in which software.
I create too many in Adobe Illustrator. but not work in facer.properly


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This template is very useful. You can also search resources section for free hands you can download and use as templates.


@shaheran2020 . You have to try tell us what is not working about the Hands you are making . You must post some pictures of what you are talking about or we can only guess . I draw all my resources on a Square Template , and for practical purposes 720 x 720 px s quite good enough resolution for our watches . These images can be posted here with a Transparent background and we can check and see what the issue might be . Creators 320 x 320 is a nominal Resolution for the Web Pages . I often move stuff 0.5 pixel . If you take a screen grab of your work you will see that it is saved at 960 x 960 . I used to make my resources 2400 x 2400 . Since discovered that uses up memory and looks no different to 1/4 of that . It is more about the Anti Aliasing what it looks like .


Just for a better understanding. Your watch hand is moving around a defined center point.
So to make it easy I always draw my hands in a transparent square box.


I’ve used this template before on photoshop with no problem. Unfortunately, I had to update my MacBook for work recently and I am unable to use the version of photoshop I was using. Do you know of any free alternatives in which I would be able to use this template?

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I use android tablet for my watch face creation.

Search for software in the community and you will find lots of alternatives.


Gimp is definitely an alternative

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For starters your images do not have thier pivot points in the right place . Sorry but I can not Imagine where it should be on the first image .
You need to work to a Centre point or a Grid .
I used this positioning grid in Sketchbook Pro to position the hands so the pivot point is in the Centre of the whole image . I always work with a Square template . It makes more sense to me sizing in Creator . I always post stuff on here at 720X720 these days . Thanks to my Friend Gizmo . The transparent background of the PNG is preserved in that case .
I also used the app to remove the backgrounds off you images . I am not sure what you want to do with the spinner . Let me know .
You are Welcome.

My problem is pivot point . I am I set it to the right place i.e. center. But even fail. I Photoshop. Coral draw. Alostat And also tried on Infanti. But could not. If possible make a short video on it

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We can not post Movie here . I am certain you will find a Tutorial for PS on the Net .
Did you even try the Template I posted . Open that First then Add your hand image . Move and rotate the Hand image till the pivot is in the centre . Switch off the Template and save the image with that size Frame Transparent .
It might help to make the hand a bit transparent while you move it around so you can see the template through it .
We have to spend some time getting Familiar with the packages we use to make nice stuff for our faces . I reckon it is about 1000 hours before we can make nice stuff .

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