[KNOWN ISSUE / FIXED] AOD freeze on Galaxy Watch 4 since February 9th 2022 firmware update

Hi all,

As some of you have reported, the firmware update for the Galaxy Watch 4 on February 9th 2022 has led to a number of issues with the main one being AOD not updating anymore, or only very sporadically. This issue has been widely reported in the press and is affecting almost all watch faces: https://www.androidpolice.com/latest-samsung-galaxy-watch4-update-inadvertently-breaks-some-watchfaces/

We are in communication with Google and Samsung about this issue and will be updating this thread as more information comes in. At this point, we are expecting Samsung to release a firmware fix very soon, and will keep you posted when this information is confirmed.

Thanks for your patience!

Update Feb 24th:

  • An updated firmware with a fix from Samsung is starting to roll out worldwide, starting with South Korea
  • For those who cannot wait for the firmware, a workaround has been identified by community members (thanks @abhisturkibng and others!) . More info on the firmware update and workaround can be seen in this video: NEW UPDATE & Major Fix Out! (Galaxy Watch 4) - YouTube

Thanks for the heads up @Facer_Official much appreciated.

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Thanks as well.

More proof that I made the right choice on the Fossil Gen 6 that will not get WearOS 3 untill the middle of this year (also the TicWarch 3 ultra being the only other currently due the upgrade due to the new snapdragon 3/3.1 chip being the only one to support it.

It means I have had a, for the greatest part a working facer experience and all the wrinkles should be sorted by the time my watch is upgraded.
Shame that the first version you guys get to work with is also Tizen skinned so there may still be surprizes when stock WearOS 3 is out but not your fault, unless you have stock test code too already?


I’m toying with the idea of picking up a TicWatch Pro 3 Ultra GPS…just because reasons! :laughing:


That was one of the 3 choices I had. GW4, Fossil Gen 6, Ticwatch P3U.

Spent 3 weeks on research and went with the Fossil.
1: Steel band out of the box, OK can get one for the Tic cheap but not the G4 fully due to their custom fishtail fitting.
2. Didn’t want Tisen branded wear OS
3. No Wheely dial on Tic (bezel on G4 and central button + wheely on Fossil).
4. Ticwatch general software reported to be a little flakier than others in reviews.

Saying that, the Fossil has a big dissadvantage on both that while harware wise it reports the same screen size it has a bezel giving it a smaller actual display size.

Both the Fossil Gen6 and the Ticwatch P3U will get WearOS 3 sometime mid to late this year and while this may seem a downside on the delay I think for Facer it is a bonus because things keep working while the issues between Facer, Google and, to a lesser degree but needed to promote changes, Samsung are resolved.
By the time the TW and Fossil Watches are upgraded both WearOS and Facer should have matured.

I really do like my Fossil Gen6 though.
I will also say, that all 3 watchets go for 30% off in the big sales. Saw them all for £200 instead of £300 during black Friday, cyber Monday etc.


Guys i have got the fix to enable AoD mode back in function


Hi, i have got the AoD to function as normal.
Just enable background activity option in apps of the smartwatch

Samsung wearble app>> All apps>> facers>> enable background activity

Done it starts working


Great if this works. Thanks


Just try it, n let me know.


How does this affect battery life? Is this the solution or a workaround?


Battery life is all fine, no change.


Well done and thank you for sharing this @abhisturkibng I’m sure a lot of people will be very grateful. Fortunately for me, I have never had had any problems with my GW4, even after the updates :grin:


Yep that seems to have done it for me. Thanks for the work around.


Thanks for this solution. It appears to be working now!


Well done @abhisturkibng. I have not got a GW4. But Good Work this is what the Community is about… :+1::slightly_smiling_face::medal_sports::trophy:


You’re very welcome. Glad I could help.


Welcome to the Community @Loc-Nar

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