Question about Top100 Ranking

LOL. You’re a flat earther too, aren’t you?

Hey Andrei, all the partner buddies are going to have a barbecue together and discuss how great they are. Doesn’t seem like the Kings and Queens of Facer will invite us since we are not even close to their expert level. :rofl: :rofl: . Maybe they’ll leave us a drumstick. What a joke…

Why are you so triggered? LOL . Have some fun, don’t take this watch face thing so seriously. I don’t agree with you and you can’t accept it. LOL

I’m killing myself laughing!

That’s it… yes…then by all means please keep laughing!!

In all seriousness, none of us have ever implied that we are better than you, we’ve just been picked. That’s not our fault, we were lucky, or whatever you want to call it.

No one can say with any assurance how the facer algorythm works, and most of the time it annoys me because it’s so hard to stay on top of.

But don’t let that ruin your experience. Just make watches and enjoy putting your creations out there, it’s all any of us can do.

Yeah, we should plan our own barbecue. I see the felines from here have merged with consternation (if you look at their avatars and whoever asked the first question). Have you counted how many of them are gathered here? I wonder if there’s a clause in partner’s contract to get out of your dark corner and react correctly if the top-100 keyword is mentioned in the forum?

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I did feel surrounded by wolves, that’s for sure… I really didn’t count… :rofl: :rofl:

I think we need to bring up the unfairness of ranking in the top 100 once a week. This way we will keep them in tone, it will help their mental health at this difficult time in the life of our civilisation.
Because I’ve noticed that some people can’t handle their emotions. Fear not, we will cure you all.

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Well, the ranking is only unfair when you’re not in the top 10, right? I feel that every week!

Disrespecting someone who came in here to help answer your questions might not be the best way to pave the road to partner.


Wow, I see someone still has some gunpowder in their gunpowders. He’s even trying to make jokes.
I’ve told you more than once that I don’t give a shit about the top 100, I don’t envy you, and I’m not unhappy that I’m not there. If I’m not there, then I’m not doing anything, that’s all bullshit.
But I also find this algorithm very strange and of course I’m on the side of all the unfairly disadvantaged people in this forum, and there are quite a few of them.

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First off, I didn’t disrespect her. If you perceived it to be that way then that’s your issue. I could have easily taken her comment to be disrespectful to me. And lastly, if I become partner or not, does not matter to me. I should have been partner a long time ago any way.

:rofl: I see a parallel reality. We haven’t rounded up everyone yet. We need to take a second inventory.

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Yes, it seems like we almost got every partner on here. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Man, did we trigger them. Wow. All because I replied to the original poster with my opinion on the top 100 and i got all these partners flocking in. That’s funny.

Well, we’re actually all here because we’re always all here. Just because you don’t always see us, doesn’t mean we aren’t around.

That’s not what you said before.

Yeah, so you’re all in the shadows. Well, now it all makes sense. I wish you would crawl out of there and do some useful things for the community instead of singing your mantras to everyone you meet

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A lot has happened since you’ve been in the shadows

You clearly have a problem, and I’m not sure why you’re taking it out on me, but I have done nothing to you, Lucky.