Stock Facer source community faces

Good job on that one Rusty. It looks like pixelated NES style, which is very cool. At first I thought you cheated with the woodgrain base, but then upon inspection I found the background texture stock there which I didn’t reallize existed. :+1::+1:


This need to be inspected :+1:


Nice one @rob.fisk , I like the numbers at the end of the hands allot!


Thanks. I am thinking they need to be slightly bigger though. Just to make the numbers more readable. Perhaps only a couple of pixels bigger and shrink the progress width by a couple so the font size can be increased.


Thanks @bradtc Like the bold LCD numerals Alberto found . There are some bits in the corners of the Bits box that are quite a surprise. As with all Topics that Get a Response from the Usual Suspects it is turning out to be Quite a Tutorial .


Indeed. This Creater Only arena has been one big learning experience for us all.
Rotation expressions
Extended characters in fonts
Awesome ways to use layerd arcs for tapered progress (@alsx65)
Amazing ways to shine items using shapes and text (@russellcresser)
Rolling numbers, graph lines (@bradtc)

I am sure I have missed many great features so PM me and I will add them here with credit.

I sometimes forget @alsx65 created the topic as it was posted only days after my first, or second, creator only release and creation of a collection to collate those and previous ones by @russellcresser

In the end that does ot matter. The ball is rolling. Let’s gather some snow!


Yeah Let’s keep it here now. It will be a great shame to split this Topic.


I never had any intention splitting the topic. Just added some history, Hence some of the mentions of the wins in the arena.

As you say, this thread is already an, admittedly windy, tutorial all of itself.


i’m sorry to didn’t follow your first topic ,i’m not so forum practicized, btw we can rename the topics as part1 ,2 and so on ,so they wont be more big since seems you starting a new creation frontier :slightly_smiling_face:


Here’s mine. Inspection open. I couldn’t get the second hand trail to work the way I wanted (fine in Facer, but not on my watch), so I changed it up, and I’m okay with how it turned out.


It’s not a boy’s name, it’s not a girl’s name.

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@rob.fisk What did miss? Re the Boy Girl name.

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Wonderstuff song lyrics referebce, Oh, the 80s

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Oh. Thanks. I am always going to miss those. Nor really a Music Buff. :rofl::+1::slightly_smiling_face:

Cool use of your clever pendulums there Rich, I like it :clap:

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I went through my collection and I reallized that I have quite a few that are almost bare stock, short of very minor adjustments. For instance this one, all I had to do was change the font and now it is bare stock as well. I may add more to this list.


That has BradC written all over it .

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@bradtc I like the clean look of this face. I would only exchange in 40 formulas the sin and cos to set the orbiting seconds to turn opposite direction, to make the wheel look like rolling around the dial border :slight_smile:

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Hi @petruuccios , I’ve had that comment before. I’m invoking my artistic (or lack thereof) right to keep it this way, as I feel that the contradictory spinning as opposed to natural rolling around the bezel is more striking.

This design challenge has been fun, so I made another face. A retro inspired AI controlled Pong implementation, with rotating minute and hour dials which incorporate digital zoom and dial number precision.


I could not resist the urge to join this challenge. Ended up with gazilion of layers, but it was fun :slight_smile:
It would be nice to have in creator an info about used layer count and sum of used resources size…