Weather not loading? Is it just me?

They are a few hours behind my time zone, so I don’t expect much action for a while. It’s still the middle of the night for the guys who have to fix things.

@russellcresser the flack here is mild compared to the nasty invective in the Facebook group. There seem to be a lot of members in that group who never grew up.


I not sure why the call it Social Media. It always becomes Antisocial.


@russellcresser @Linlay
I’ve always wondered why social media seems to attract so many antisocial people. You can be anything on the internet you want to be, so why do so many choose to be BUTTHEADS?!?!


Most likely there is an insecurity component involved. Either they are the “children” who misbehave in order to draw attention to themselves and/or their mothers never told them, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” I see that there is a discussion at the FB group about the weather problem and a temporary workaround.


Bom dia, tarde ou noite para todos!
Podem me indicar algum local onde possa conseguir imagens do clima nesse estilo e, se possível numa ordem?
Na tradução de línguas as mensagens ficam diferentes?
Desde já me desculpem pelo abuso!

Hi, Good morning, afternoon or evening everyone!
Can you point me to a place where I can get pictures of the weather in that style and, if possible, in an order?
Are the messages different when translating languages?
Sorry in advance for the abuse!

Some weather icons here…

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No caso é necessário que eu abra um para o clima diurno e outro para o noturno?

In case it is necessary that I open one for the daytime climate and another for the nighttime?

sorry, I do not know, never did anything with night time weather…

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Sem problema meu amigo fico agradecido por seu auxilio e atenção!
Vou ver se consigo alguma orientação aqui no grupo…valeu mesmo!!!

No problem my friend I am grateful for your help and attention! I’ll see if I can get some guidance here in the group…thanks!!!


for opacity:

picture/text will NOT be shown during the day, will be shown after the sunset

picture/text WILL be shown during the day

You can do the same for X or Y coordinates (if you want to show/hide .gif you cannot use opacity).

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Certo mas isso eu utilizo na parte do clima certo?
No caso, eu tenho que criar dois ícones, ou seja, um para dia e outro para a noite?

Right but I use this in the weather part right?
In case, I have to create two icons, ie one for day and one for night?

Apenas faça exatamente como eu fiz e funcionará.

Just do it exactly like I have done it and it will work.

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Muito obrigado!

Thank you very much!

Same issue here.

Weather values start as “0” as in your pic.

After a long time the current day’s high/low temp and forecast days’ high/low temps might partially update (most are blank, i.e. no text/value).

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Yes, it’s still not fixed. It’s really annoying.

I don’t know if somebody is working on a solution?


Same here. I have current temp, but no more.
Others data, min/max etc show 0.
It seems to me that this failure happened after the last update.

Hi i an having the same problem with the weather not working i did reset both my watch and phone uninstalled and reinstalled still not working…is there a right answer as to when it will be fixed…thank u

No, you cannot do anything to make it better.

It’s some error Facer has to solve.


Yes, that’s a problem now. Most people will think it’s designer’s fault.