[WiP] modern neon scifi

yes it is very small
I have a 38mm display and I can still read it…even if it’s heavy.

I would like to put it this way
One in over 200 faces has elements that are difficult to read.
Please forgive me :rofl:

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Once upon a time I had better eyes… and didn’t have small print problems. :wink:

Keep up the good work!


You See , You guys are both right . My Eyes are Tired These days . But if you make everything equally readable you just get Clutter . I like to see the important information in order of priority . Time , Power , date , steps , heart rate etc. I have to say being a Lunatic the Moon got a bit small on that one . But you know the Nicest Watch Faces of all Sell quite a bit of Space .

@SR-Design.vision . I had a little inspection of your Watch . Thanks for leaving it open . I found your Mask that the Glows retract under but I can not find Your Background . I suppose you used the Facer Default . Any way . I learnt a lot Today .

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The background is always the first picture for me.
So I can easily install the background for the DIM mode.


I pretty much do the same thing except I use an image element instead of the Facer background element. That is how I started when I was first trying to figure out how to make watchfaces and just never bothered to change.


a user wrote to me on facebook.
there are errors on his galaxy…
Actually the bugs are all the new things from facer as far as i can see.
I recommended updates first…
Has anyone had similar problems?


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@SR-Design.vision . I think Marvin is being serviced . I something completely unexplainable going on with a Face of mine at the moment . I don’t seem to be able to fix it and I have fixed loads . Including retyping everything Literally . Sadly that often fixes the problem . I don’t think it is possible to copy and paste code without picking up some formatting . The problem is Old School Code that was flagged up as the most Robust . Hopefully things will settle down . I was just about o change everything to use PAD I think I will go away and spend some time on WFS . Sadly I have to say that is Buggy as well .

well, let’s wait and see.


Just did a pad test on my GW4 Classic . Working fine .
So Thank You Very Much that is actually the solution to the problem I am Having .

Not sure Which watch I am Looking at in your Picture . It should say somewhere but I think the New Tags may have been Rolled out for WOS3 . It that is a Tick Watch ? They are Fussy those ones .

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I just synced it to my GW5 Pro and it’s working just fine as far as I can tell. It also looks nice on my Pro except the font size is a little too small for my older eyes. I’m in the “Big and Bold” stage of life. :laughing:


The problem appears to be more common.
Another Samsung with faulty displays…

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There was an update recently. Reinstall the Companion App and then go check the Permissions the mere act of doing that kick starts them all again. Good luck.
Just learnt about the Two Buttons Boot. Hold the two physical buttons Down. Hard Reset. Thanks @mrantisocialguy.

I pass it on.

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I’m not even answering that kind of questions… I’m not paid here to educate users. It’s free, so deal with it. Anwers are all around you. Search for yourself.
I don’t know if it’s rude but we are not working for Facer or Samsung, we are not tech support.

recent example:
“Peccato non funzioni BPM…” (too bad BPM is not working)

Now I would have to ask what kind of watch he has, did he gave permissions… I don’t want to waste my time on that.

I’m interested: do you ignore those questions or do you try to help?


When we welcome people to the Community we should all make it clear this is Not Tech Support but a User Forum.
Guys like MAG are very good with these responses. I think he has some stock answers he just pastes in. I hope I am not doing him a dis-service.


This Community is something else, I’m trying to help here.

I’m talking about comments people are leaving as direct comments, under the watchface


And requests… can you change this, add that…
mrantisocialguy had great topic about that, made me laugh:


Yeah, agree, I am not here to help and supply finished algorithms and solution. What I tend to do is give people a starting point, or a reference to existing resources.

But if the topic interests be personally, I’ll jump on it and maybe even create something of my own…


I see it very similarly.
But I try to handle the whole thing reasonably professionally.
I will not respond to requests for changes.
I address some of the problems.
The users get a product, regardless of whether it is free or not.
If the product has defects, it’s good if we know about them.
If the errors are easy to fix, then we can and should address them.
If the errors are in the system, we should inform those responsible.
Only in this way everyone has a product that is fun.


sometimes it just feels like…


Yes, you are correct. Since I see a large number of the same questions, I have a stock answer saved and I just copy and paste it in. Mostly on the “steps/heart don’t work”, “I paid for XXX but”, and the always popular, “I have a AliExrpess style watch how to install Facer” questions that seem to show up a lot.

OH YES! I get those also. I just tell them to restart their watch and phone, check permissions and if that don’t work contact Facer directly. I just went through that with one guy complaining that his watch was showing -03 instead of the time zone he was in, and he thought it was the AM/PM messing up because he saw that flash on once. I’ve come up with an opacity expression that should hide anything time zone related from the Brazila time zone.